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Samuel's Pov~

I thought to myself as I was riding into town.That male...Sebastian Michaelis.That guy better not have touched Y/n.

Someone like him disgusts me.A half an hour passes and the three of us finally reach the manor.I then went over to Y/n's side and opened the door for her,then helped her out.

"Thank you Samuel."She said.What a beautiful name she has...I have to stop thinking about these things...I then walked into the manor with Y/n and D/n.

As usual I am met with the faces of Alice,Declan,and Y/n's little brother B/n."Finally your home!!!"B/n said as he ran up to his sister and gave her a hug.

It looked like a bone crushing one,by the face she was making."Y/n?"Her little brother asked."Let me guess...Your hungry."Y/n said with an unamused face.

"You can read my mind perfectly!"B/n said with a big smile."Alice is dinner ready?"Y/n asked."Why yes it is your highness."Thank you,I'll be back in a few,D/n can you come with me?"Y/n "Yep."D/n replied as she left with Y/n.

Y/n's pov~

Was walking in the hall way taking turns here and there, it was silent.Moments later I finally reach my room.I open the door and sit in the bed."D/n pick me out an outfit to wear."I said.

"Yes your highness."She said as she went into the closet.A few minutes pass and she comes out with a f/c shirt with a black velvet skirt."Will this do?"She asked.I looked at it for a few moments..." will do just fine."I said.

~Time Skip~

I then walk down the stairs,and met with B/n waiting patiently surprisingly.I looked at the table to see it made beautifully, with my favorite food f/f (favorite food,I don't feel like being descriptive).

"Thank you Alice."I said.Soon after B/n said thanks I said "Alice get Declan and Samuel,you guys have been doing fairly nice on jobs lately you guys deserve a paid day off,why don't you also say that they are invited to dinner right now?"

"Thank you your highness I'll tell them right away!"She said, and with that she left.Not too soon after Declan,and Samuel came in."Thanks!"Declan said as he grabbed a plate of f/f and started eating right away.

On the other hand Samuel just sat down at the table not eating anything."Is there something wrong?"I asked him."Oh,No your highness;I am simply not hungry at the moment but I will definitely sit down with you guys.
Okay then."I said with a small smile on my face.

Unknown pov~

Claude I'm bored!!!I said while walking around the mansion.I then looked back at him to see him just give me that blank expression as usual.

Oh how I hate that look on his face...I then took off a picture off the shelf and was about to throw it at his face,until I took a good look at the picture.

It was a picture of my fiancé Y/n.How long has it been I seen her?All I know is that I miss her,and I want her.I kept on looking at the picture...good memories.

~Flash back~

Still 'unknown's' pov~

"Y/nnnnn"I said.As I looked around the mansion for my little friend.I then looked down a hallway to see h/c hair just go around the corner.

I smirked as I ran down thehallway." Y/nnn!"I said.I walked down the hallway.She must've went into one of these rooms.Minutes pass of me still looking for the lovely girl.

When I finished looking at all the rooms,I finally decided to look at the last my room."Y/n?"I asked as my door of the room was a crack open.

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