Thank you kind sir

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~Y/n pov
"Your highness...time to get up..."D/n said in a soft voice.I always thought of her as being family,even though before everything happened...she was just a maid that was apparently a demon.But I wouldn't tell her that...She'd think I was becoming soft.

"Ugh... a few minutes...please" I said in a tired voice."But your highness,if you don't get up soon your breakfast will be cold."D/n replied as she became to shake me a little to attempt to wake me up."Alright...Alright I'm up" I said as I laid up in bed. "Wonderful"D/n said with a slight smile on her face.She then dressed me up in a black skirt,that had a big f/c rim at the bottom.She then helped me put on my f/c corset and slipped a black shirt that was a little laced at the top with a f/c bow in the middle of the lacing.

I was about to leave the room until I heard D/n call me from behind. I turned my head to see D/n pointing to her left eye,and the middle of her neck.At first I was a little confused,until I looked on my nightstand to see my eye patch,and my choker that fit perfectly over the contract symbol.

How could I forget?!?I then put the f/c choker on, and the black eye patch on.I then looked at D/n "Thank you D/n" She then bowed saying "No problem your highness"


I was looking through some of the papers I had for the company,until I heard D/n walk into the room. I then looked at her and said "Any letters from the Queen?" She shook her head up and down then handed me the letter.

Dear Y/n,

I have a small project for you to work on.I would like you to do a little research on Ciel Phantomhive or AKA the guard dog.Id like you to send me new found information.I know you will do good
Yours truly,Queen Victoria

I then said "Ciel...Ciel Phantomhive.I feel like i heard that name from somewhere." "I believe he own's the Funtom company."D/n said."Well no time to waste,let's get started!"I said as got up from my velvet black chair.D/n then cleared her throat."Your highness ...we kinda have things planned.Remember?"

"Ah,yes your right...but after right on the case!"I said as I walked out of my study.I walked to my room to make sure I looked exceptional.I then picked up a my black heart ring and slid it on my finger.The ring has stayed in the family for generations always given to the girls,it also has its ways of telling it own kind of story.

No doubt about it that this was my favorite thing that was left to me,who knows how much this can go for.Thousands, millions,who knows but since it's that rare I don't wear it often.I then left in the carriage towards town.

-Time skip-

I was walking with D/n taking with her about the company.I then told her to buy a beautiful birthday cake for my friend Elizabeth.As she walked off to look for a cake,I looked for a gift for Elizabeth.I then walked down an ally for a short cut to a tall masculine male block my path.

"Excuse me sir,will you please move."I said with my signature,no expression,look."Sorry little lady no can do."He said with a ugly smirk on his face.I then tried to walk by him but he still kept in blocking my path.He then pulled out a pocket knife and said "hand over the purse"I looked down at my right arm holding tightly onto my purse.I then turned around and started to sprint for the opposite side.
It wasn't to long until he caught up to me though.

He then picked me up by the back of my dress. i then took out a dagger from my dress pocket.The dagger was a dark silver that had three rounded red gems on it, and the handle was black. I then sliced his had. Causing him to let go of me.In all honesty that dagger was given to me by D/n and she said only use it if i am not available,and it is known for the damage i creates.One mark with that thing and that scars never gonna go away.

The dagger was actually a "demon dagger" That can leave a mark on the demon...actually doing damage. I then ran down the ally way into the open.The man somehow caught up to me despite the whole cutting his hand and scar not going away.He then grabbed onto my arm but i yanked it free. My most important piece of jewelry then slipped off my finger landing into the man palm.

He looked down into his palm and smirked."The Crystal black heart...priceless...who knew a brat lie you would be wearing such priceless piece of jewelry."He said.With that finished sentence he ran from me."Bloody hell...if he thinks he can get away with this he's wrong."As i ran after him street to street i yelled saying "SOMEONE STOP HIM!!!"

Moments later still chasing after him i became to get tired. "Dammit...some people you are."I then ran a corner to see a tall male with black hair,red eyes,in a butlers suit holding the man i was running after by the back of hi shirt.I then looked next to him to see a boy with greyish-blue hair,one...deep blue eye wearing a fancy outfit.He was quite attractive as well.No doubt he's a noble.

"Excuse me young lady,but does this belong to you?"The butler asked me as he yanked the ring from the scumbags hand and held it out to me."Yes...thank you for stopping him.I don't know what i would do if I lost this."I said as i slipped the ring on in its original place."Don't thank me,thank my young master.I was just following orders."The butler said. I then looked at the boy who couldn't be any older then me and said "Thank you kind sir." The boy then kissed my hand and said "Don't mention it.He then asked "What is your name if I may asked.

I then answered him saying My name is Y/n...Y/n L/n.When he was about to introduce himself D/n appeared out of no where and dragged me off saying "Sorry but we have to go...Right now"  As she dragged me off i shouted "Thank you again...I hope we meet again!"

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