You make me sick

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Y/n's pov~

"Umm."I said not quite sure to say to them pretty much appearing to them in my under clothes,but I imagine that Ciel is feeling more awkward.

"Sebastian haven't you learned to knock?!"Ciel shouted at him."Well master,It simply wouldn't change what I saw considering that it seems that both of your outfits are torn and ripped."Sebastian said.

"Well good job your highness, you ripped you perfact dress!"D/n said."Do you think i wanted to rip this dress that fitted me perfectly?!?"I asked.

"Yeah,well you have lord Ciel to blame for this."I said."It isn't my fault,lady Y/n had a part in this as well."Ciel said with a huff.

"Whatever fine anyway It is pretty late are you ready to retire your highness?"D/n asked.She looked a little tired and again,it looked like someone messed with her dress."D/n can I talk to you alone right now?"I asked a little irritated.

"Of course your highness."D/n said as she bowed."Gentleman if you will excuse me."I said as I grabbed her hand and led her about 15 feet from the door.

I was pissed."D/n ...did you...did you sleep with Sebastian?"I asked."No!...N-no your highness I didn't!"She replied very quickly and more defensive.

"D/n...are you being truthful?"I asked her.Why is this so much of a big deal?Well because what happens if she falls in love?She would probably will leave me behind.

Or it might be a distraction from other things we are doing."Yes...yes I am!"D/n replied moments after I asked her the question.

"YOUR LYING!!!"I shouted at her."Your highness what makes you think that I'd do such a thing?!?"D/n replied"Your hair is messed up and your dress has been mangled with!"I shouted at her.


I was furious and hurt at the same time.My eyes wear then filling up with tears.I don't want to be like this.I didn't asked to be like this at all."F-fine."I replied.

I quickly turned away from D/n and walked towards the room Ciel and Sebastian were in.I then entered the room,with out any tears falling from my face.

"Sebastian...could you show me where the guest room is?"I asked in a soft voice."Well of course lady Y/n,follow me this way."Sebastian said as he walked on the door.

I looked back to face Ciel,"Ciel I had a very interesting time while playing with you,I enjoyed it."I said as I walked out the door moment after Sebastian left.

After walking for a little bit Sebastian and I finally reach the guest room."Thank you Sebastian."I said as I walked into the room.

"Have a good night lady Y/n."Sebastian said as he closed the door.

I then walked up to the bed and laid down."I hope your not sleeping with him D/n."I said to myself.

"What will happen if he knew...that she was a demon?"I said in a lower voice.

"Would he tell everyone...could I trust anyone?"I asked myself.I have. I have a tendency to have a problem with trusting people.

I tried to get comfortable but I couldn't,I am in my under clothes that are rather uncomfortable.

I then hear a knock at the door."Who is it?"I ask as I cover myself with the blanket."It's Ciel."I then walk up to the door and open it.

"How are you doing?"Ciel asks me."I am okay I guess,I probably could be better."I said."How are you?"I asked him,he now is in his sleeping clothes It looks like.

"I can't sleep and I wanted to know if I could talk to you until I get tired."He said while blushing a little."Oh yeah,um sure."I said.

"Are you comfortable Y/n?"Ciel asked me."Yeah."I replied even though I wasn't."You don't look it."Ciel replied."Okay I am not,only because I don't feel comfortable in these clothes,or what ever is left on them."I said.

"You could have just said that earlier Y/n,I'll get you something to wear."Ciel said as he got up from the bed and started walking towards the door.

Moments pass and Ciel finally comes back with a white shirt in his hand."Sorry,this shirt is mine but I am sure it will fit."Ciel said as he blushed a little.

I took the shirt from his hand and put it over my head.The shirt was incredibly comfortable."Thank you Ciel,this is much better."I say as I sit back on the bed.

~Time skip~ (11:00 pm)

"All right Y/n I think I'll be heading to bed."Ciel said as he got up from my bed."Have a good night Ciel, I enjoyed your company."I said as I pulled the sheets over my body.

Minutes pass then I hear a loud shout "S-SEBASTIAN!!!!"The voice sounded like Ciel.I jumped right out bed and sprinted to Ciel's location.I ran to see him with his mouth open,and blushing in disbelief.

I finally got to Ciel.He was looking into the room.I looked into the room to see D/n and Sebastian half dressed."D-D/N !!!!!"I shouted.

"Y/'s not what it looks like!!!"D/n shouted."Oh my,isn't this an embarrassing site."Sebastian said casually."D/N YOU LIED TO ME DAMIT YOU DID FUCKING SLEEP WITH HIM DIDNT YOU!!!"I shouted at her.

How dare she I thought.She said she would never lie!I don't know what to say."Y/-"D/n was talking until I cut her off,"SHUT UP!DONT YOU TALK TO ME!!!"I shouted at her.

"Y/n,please!"D/n said running after me."DONT TALK TO ME DONT TALK TO ME I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT YOU...YOU...LIAR!!!!!!"I shouted at her.

"Y/n!Please there is no reason to be upset!"D/n said."I HAVE EVERY REASON TO BE UPSET.YOU MAKE ME SICK!!!"I shot back at her!

Authors note-Ew Sebastian and D/n was caught doing some naughty things,or were they?Anyway i hope you enjoyed if so add,vote,and follow!I will be updating every few days I guess,not to much of a wait.

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