Birthday ball

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Y/n's pov~

"D/n why did you drag me off like that?"I said as i was being draged by D/n."I am terribly sorry Y/n,but remember that we have to get a move on,we do have to get to the mansion as soon as posible"

As d/n kept dragging me I said "Since when did I give you the permission to call me by my first name?"She then said "Sorry your highness."

Not to soon after the conversation I was having with D/n the both of us reached the mansion.As we walked in to the mansion it seems that my servants were waiting my arrival.

My gardener Declan, my cook Alice ,and my butler Samuel were all standing in a straight line,waiting for me to give them orders.I may be hard on them but I truly do almost love a family.Samuel's relationship is almost as close with me as D/n.

"Hello your highness is there anything you will like us to do at the moment we all did complete our tasks nicely." He also said the last part rather harsh as he looked over Declan.

"What?!?" Declan asked as if Samuel was saying that he did something wrong."Oh nothing"Samuel replied.I then said "All of you can have the rest off the day off,good work all of you."

Few minutes later I here my little brother b/n running down the stairs.He then trips,and falls down the stairs.I walk up to him and nudge him with my foot."Didn't I tell you not to run down the stairs.I could have caught you but if I did,you would never learn."I said,He then gets up from the floor and hugs my waist "Your no fun Y/n.

Also I'm hungry."B/n said.I then look at Samuel."I know they you are off right now but will you serve dinner for B/n and I?" I said as I pried my brothers arms of me."Of course your highness."He said as he made his way to the kitchen.

Ciel's pov~

I kept on thinking about that Y/n.How lovely she looked.Ugh, I should be ashamed of myself,thinking about another girl while I have my fiancé to worry about.Speaking of Elizabeth,her birthday is tomorrow isn't it. Moment of me thinking to my self in my study,I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in"I say as I keep on looking at more papers with more workers asking for more money."My lord,Elizabeth's birthday is tomorrow and I think it would be nice if we throw a ball in her honer."

I look at him for a moment."Alright,Have the guests invited by tomorrow morning"I say as I keep in flipping through papers that are really not important.

~Time skip (Morning about 8:30")~

Y/n pov~

"Your highnessss..."I heard a voice say."Merrrrrr....not right nowww."I say as I roll over."Your highness you will be late for meeting Elizabeth if you don't get up." The voice said.

I then rubbed both of my eyes.I then looked at my maid D/n."Good morning your highness."She said as she was moving my curtains from my window to let some light in.

I then laid back on my bed letting out a sigh."Your highness."I tossed over to face D/n but I slid out of my bed landing with me on my back against the carpet floor."Ow dammit"I said as I sat up rubbing my back.

"I was going to say don't be falling asleep again,but seeing you like this I am taking it that you are now wide awake."

D/n said as she was snickering."I am glad that you find it entertaining."I said as I got up from the floor. I then sat in my bed waiting for D/n to dress me.

Alright your highness we have a black dress with f/c roses on itUmm,a short skirt that goes up to your knees that is black with a long sleeve shirt that is f/c,and lastly a black dress that goes up to your knees and that is sleeveless."

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