Another ball?!?

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{Warning some strong language involved but you people should know already!}

Marcy's Pov~

The bitch thinks that she can talk to me that way.Well she has something coming to her all right!I wish that I had a camera to take a picture of her face when I spilled the tea all over her fancy dress!

The girl she was with seemed a lot nicer.But no doubt that she's my sister.We both have e/c and our facial features are pretty similar.Our hair is different though.

She has (hair type ex : curly , straight , wavey ect...)Her hair is also h/c.My hair is straight and blond with pink in it.An odd color for natural hair isn't it?Anyway I can't wait for her to call me.

Maybe she will invite me to her ball,or party of whatever it is!I never went to one before.Anyway I'm still wondering how she could live on her own so long at the age of 13.That does explain her maturity.I just know when I get to father and mother they will both be very pleased!

Y/n's pov~

When the girl finally left I spoke up."I hope you know I'm not inviting her to my mansion."I said while removing the tea cup from my mouth."Awe come on Y/n you have tooooo!!!"Lizzy said.

All I did was sigh."I don't need to do anything."I said in my usual emotionless voice."Remember Y/n, you have many people working with you.This might open them up to you more and making better business."Lizzy said.

"Fine."I said bluntly."Really!!!"She said with her face lighting up more then usual."What,do you want me to change my mind?"I asked."Oh no!"She said."Well this is great!"Lizzy added.All I did was start thinking to myself great another ball I was also having second thoughts as if this really was the right idea.

"Oh look at the time!It looks like we will have to end this meeting.It was nice talking to you again Y/n!Good bye!"Lizzy said whip walking away and waving."Farewell Lizzy.Be careful!"I said as I wondered the streets once more to find where D/n was lurking around.

As I was walking around town I looked into the windows of shops.I didn't look while I was walking and it seemed that I bumped into someone."So sorry!"I said as I looked down to see who I bumped into and offered them my hand.

Once I got a good look at the person it was Alois.Claude was right I front of me too.Alois grabbed my hand and got off the ground.I still was on guard and had my demon dagger right behind my back if the two try something.

"Funny seeing you here!"Alois said with a big smile."Don't try anything funny Trancy."I said while showing him the blade."Woah Y/n be careful you can hurt someone with that."He said.Is he that dumb?!?

We just started at each other until Alois broke the silence of laughing really hard."Y-you really think I'm that dumb!?!"He asked."I didn't know what to think personally!"I said while snickering,but not letting my guard down.

"Tch,you really thinking it could hurt someone like me?"Claude asks with his petaphilc smirk."Stay back demon!"I said while glaring at him.The mood changed very quickly as you can probably tell.He then went to touch me and I stabbed him in the finger leaving a shallow cut.

Something minor.He then put his finger in his mouth and sucked on it.
"How did you find a weapon so powerful like that?"He asked."None of you business you demon fuck."I replied not feeling like getting into it with Claude."Hey language!"Alois said with a smirk on his face.

"Well I'm happy that I don't have to worry about you being really creepy anymore,but I'm still keeping my guard up."I say."Well I'm glad you trust me more."Alois said.

"Well I'm looking for D/n."I said as I started to walk off."I'll help!"Alois said as he ran to catch up next to me. "Um...Alright."I said.It kinda feels good walking with him.

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