Just like you

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Danielle's pov~

I watched as the girl smiled evilly."You truly are a stubborn person."I said with no emotion."My parents will be here at any moment."She said as she laughed.

I watched her look at every entrance and exit.I looked to D/n and Samuel as they shook there heads."It's time Marcy." I said.

I looked at her face as it was in panic,she realized that her parents weren't coming and they pretty much left her to die.Thats what you get.

She looked down at the dagger and swallowed hard.I watched her tears run down her face."Marcy its your time."I said as I stabbed her in the heart.

I watched the films spur out.The child's eyes widened as she watched the films come out.There was twice as many films then usual.

This is actually my specialty I split the films in half according to which event happen to which soul.

I looked at each one carefully.One wrong event and it could make the soul confused and corrupted.

I watched all the films."I-I had no idea..." Marcy said as she watched through Y/n's eyes with a flash back of the event.

Marcy watched as young Y/n watched missiles fly towards her parents private plane and explode into flames.

She watched some more.Her eyes widened and she cringed when she saw Y/n get the numbers and rose tattooed onto her.

Lastly it shows herself, Marcy stabbing Y/n in the chest.As I finished watching the films I took one of the daggers and split Y/n's life story from Marcy's.

"Y/n's body please."I said as Samuel brought Y/n's dead repaired body.I threw Y/n's wrapped up films towards her body which forced itself through her body.

I watched as Y/n eyes glowed white then e/c.She then returned back to normal.Whatever was left of Marcy's films were returned to herself.I watched as Y/n started breathing heavily.

I watched as Marcy recovered fully."I thought you were going to kill me."She said.I said "I don't waste my killing  imbeciles like you.Also you weren't on the to die list."

"I would take the time to think about what you have done and get you life straight."I said to Marcy as I adjusted my broken glasses.

"I will."She said as she ran out of the mansion."Seems like my work here is done."I said as I looked at Y/n holding Samuel with her head on his shoulders.

"Y/n."I said.I watched Samuel blush as he quickly placed Y/n down.Y/n then walked up to me."Thank you Danielle I owe you one."She said as she shook my hand.

"I wish to do some less serious business  with you soon in the future madam."I said."I wish you a good future."I added as I made my leave.

Y/n's pov-

"Where's B/n?!?"I asked.Seconds later I feel something tackle me."Y/n!!!"B/n shouted As he hugged my waist."I missed you so much!"I said as tears rushed down my face.

"I missed you too."He said as he cried into my dress."I need to call Ceil and Alois." I said.

I then rushed to my study; and called Ceil first."Hello?"it was nice hearing his voice again."I would like to have lunch with you around 12:00 with a certain someone."I said.

"Y-yes Y/n I'll be there."He said; with that I hung up.I then called Alois."Hello this the Trancy manor."Claude said.

"May I have a word with Alois?"I asked.I heard a loud crash of glass."I hate you Claude!"I heard on the other end."Highness! There's a call for you!"I heard him say.

Just like you (Ciel x Reader x Alois)Where stories live. Discover now