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D/n's pov~

Not soon after we brought Y/n back home,and Sebastian split from us to return to his own master.When we all got home Samuel set Y/n on couch,then left to prepare some other things.

It seems that the servants did a very good job fixing the mansion up.It looks like it never happened.I then walked in front of Y/n to ask her a question."Your highn-"I was then was cut off by Y/n"D/n...for now on call me Mistress."I then looked at her.

"May I ask why?"I asked."Claude calls Alois 'your highness' I keep on thinking of Claude when you say that." Y/n said.
"Did he do anything to you?!?"I asked a little angry.The thought of him touching her makes me disgusted. "No...Don't worry about it."She said.

"Well...Mistress you have to get back into task with the letter."I said reminding her."Oh yes your right."She replied while slowly getting up from couch.

Y/n's pov~

I then walked up the stairs to my study. while doing that I looked at the window that was broken before to see it like it never happen.I am so thankful for these servants.

As I walked into the study I watched as my chair span around to see b/n in one of Samuels formal suits with one leg over the other.The suit was way to big for him and it looked hilarious."I have been waiting for you arrival."He said with a strait face.

Seconds pass until the two of us burst into laughter."I knew that would make you laugh!"He said while laughing."It has been a awhile!"I said while giggling.

He then got off of the chair and and hugged my waist."You should really smile more often."He said."All I did was hug him tightly an shoo him off.

"Wait before I go..."He said while looking in one of the suit pockets.He then grabbed a (favorite flower) out and held it towards me with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you!"I said while taking it."Sorry that it's kinda wilted and stuff.I was going to give to you yesterday but you were here."It's fine...Its perfect."I said while holding it and hugging my brother once more.

"Bye!"He said while leaving and closing the door.I just smiled to myself and went back to my work.Still more people asking for money, Fathers asking if I will marry their son,same old.

Too bad that they apparently still can't take a hint and stop asking me if I will marry their son.Maybe I should reconsider Alois from not divorcing,maybe he has changed.

~Time Skip(11:30)

I pretty much finished most of my paper work that usually awaits me in the morning.I also finally finish resetting up the appointments I had to attend to, the day that the Alois incident happened.

As I almost fall asleep I shake myself awake to remember that I have a letter to write to the Queen with my mission.

TO:Queen Victoria
Ciel Phantom is quite serious most of the time,very good at completing his tasks and lastly a perfect guard dog.
FROM:Y/n L/n ~The Queens Curious Cat

I then laid my face on the desk exhausted.I then heard a creek of my door open.I looked up slowly to look to see who was at the door with my vision a little blurry."Who is it?"I asked.

"B/n!"He said in a gleeful tone."I brought you a little snack!"He said as he placed the snack right in front of me.I smiled a little and rubbed my eyes to get a better look.It was (favorite snack.)

"Thank you."I said as I hugged him a little."Your welcome!I helped Samuel make it!"He said with a big smile he usually has.He then started coughing."Are you alright?"I asked.

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