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~Unknown's pov~

I was walking around the small house I have trying my to find something to do."The house is to small!"I said while sitting myself on the couch.

"I'm a nobel too, we're rich! Why can't we have our mansion?!"I said while frustrated."Calm down dear we are doing our best to get the mansion we all deserve."Father said.

"Why are you still doing it though!You said that years ago,you said apparently that we actually owned a mansion once."I replied angry with the little that father actually did for the mansion that WE DO deserve.

I started walking around in my dads room angry an upset.I have these type of temper tantrums that I usually can't help.I then grabbed many things of my fathers desk and threw it on the ground.

As I moved the black cat with red eyes figure that he always keeps on the desk I watched as were the closet door opened upwards?!? A secret passageway!?!

Before father came into his study where I made the mess,I ran into down the stairway it wasn't too deep,and there was a door.I then shoved the door open.I then shrieked.

There was a young little girl in big picture looking into the camera glaring.She looked scary and angry,Her eyebrow were angled so that her face seemed to be giving the face of pure hatred and also seemed to be giving off a dark aura.

She has my e/c eyes...she has most of my facial features.She looked like me...The picture looked like it was very old,and it seemed to be kept quite nicely.There were also black roses around the picture.What an odd color for roses...

New ones too,and candles.It was almost...scary.Why?Who is this?It wasn't only that picture but many other ones but she was in ragged clothes and chains.But her face still had that look of pure hatred.

Who is this girl?Where was this taken?Can she be related to father somehow?There were also beautiful dresses and outfits that were held in there.They look like they were for the girl.

It almost as if father is waiting for her to...come home.He never buys me dresses like these.These dresses are almost priceless.If we sell them who knows how much money we would receive.

I wonder if mother knew about this.The girl looks nothing like mother though.It was odd.I then heard foot steps down the concrete stairs.

"Marcy!"I heard father yell.I felt my eyes water,why did he hide this from me?Why...who is the girl?"Who is this?!?"I shouted."He sighed."Alright I guess the time has come to tell you."He said.

I waited with my arms crossed."That girl...that girl is you sister."He said.I gasped."I have a sister?!?"I said surprised.He then shook his head up and down slowly.

"Where is she?!?How old is she? What's her name?"I asked.There are so many things I want to ask.Father then told me to sit on the concrete step."Her name is Y/n."He said.I was really interested.

Maybe we can meet up with each other and go to shops and pick out beautiful dresses for each other.We can be best friends!Oh the fun we'll have!

"Go on."I said still excited."Y/n is 13 years old,and she lives with some servants."Father said."Why can't she live with us.Why didn't mother tell me?I asked.

"There are just things that just should go unsaid."He said."Please!I have a right to know that I have a sister out there!"I said."Y/n split from the family and..."He said.

"Go on..."I said this time, slightly with an impatient tone."Y/n has demons to do her biding...she gave her life away for something she will never get back. She made a deal with a demon and she thrown her life away."Father said.

I then felt my eyes widen."R-real demons?"I asked frightened."Yes my dear...but don't worry your father and mother will protect you..."He said.

"How?!? There are actual demons out there and there's nothing I can do about it!"I shouted while having my eyes fill up with tears.

Father then hugged me tightly."Your mother isn't exactly human either."He said."What?"I asked not exactly understanding what he just said.

"Your mother isn't human either."He said.I then felt my eyes widen more if that was even possible."I'll explain."He said,and with that he told me the story of how Y/n was a bad child and how she ran away for no reason.

Also that my mother is apparently a grim reaper.I feel like my whole life has been a lie!My world is turned upside down!Farther also told me that she actually is a great child and if only things could be different.

"I will find her."I said."What?"He asked."I will find her father...and don't try to stop me.I'll knock some sense into her."I said."We'll find her together."He said while smirking."I have on queston to ask though."I said.

"What is it dear?"He ask me."Why dont we sell the clothes.They do seem to be very exspensive.""Well what happens if Y/n dose come around ?She will need clothes."He said."But why do they have to be so expensive?You never buy me clothes like that."I said.

"Don't worry about it,once we get the mansion we'll be able to buy you clothes like that all the time."Father said.All I did was hug him."We have no time to lose!"I said excited.

"I have a sister..."

Authors note~Oh look here...we have a new character introduced.Leave down in the comments of she will be an ally or an enemy.Do you peeps remember what 'father' did to you to make you run away?Anyway they'll be in the story and will be a big part of the story.So if you enjoyed I would appreciate if you would vote,add,or follow!

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