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Authors note-I hope you are enjoying the book so far! I am trying my best to make it the best to my ability.If you have any Ideas feel free to comment.Enough talking on with the reading!

Y/n's pov-

Ciel and I then walked to the middle of the dance floor.Every one was staring at us.I didn't feel to comfortable with all the attention on us.

"Do you like the ball?"Ciel asked,he seemed a little uncomfortable with the situation as well.

"Yes actually,I am not usually a ball or party person really."I replied as we kept on dancing with each other.

"I am not to much of a party person really either,but I am enjoying this a lot."Ciel said.Moments later we kept on dancing,but I stepped on his foot.

I saw that he cringed a bit,I then started to blush up a storm."S-sorry"I said,still feeling a little awkward."It's ok,you did say you didn't know how to dance right?You are doing better then I expected."

Ciel said as we kept on dancing.It felt like the song was going to last forever.I did feel a little better after he said that.I felt more comfortable with him as well.I looked around the room to see Lizzy smiling at us.

Lizzy's pov~

I sat back and watched Y/n dance with Ciel.Y/n looked a lot more happier then usual,it looks like she needed this.Ciel looked like he was enjoying the dance as well.

He looked more happier with her then me...maybe I am just getting jealous.He is my fiancé so he wouldn't do this to me right?

Well all I know is that I am happy when Ciel,and Y/n are happy.I started to walk around the mansion a little,knowing I only explored some of the mansion.

I came across a door, and heard a lot of moaning."Ahhh...yes..."The voice said.I immediately turned around and looked for where the ball was while I was blushing a lot.

~Time Skip (8:30)~

~Y/n's pov

Hours pass of laughing, and dancing.I sat down in a chair talking to Ciel and some of his of servants.

I got to talk to all of them.They all seemed so nice and kind hearted.They were talking about there jobs and how they fail horribly.

I know they mean well.I asked Ciel about his passed,but he seemed to be uncomfortable with the question so i told him it's okay if he don't want to talk about it.I then watched every slowly leave the mansion,for it is the end of the ball.

I started to look around for D/n but I couldn't find her anywhere.It was thundering pretty bad out there.So bad that the power went out.

I am not to much of a fan of wondering a creepy,but beautiful mansion while the power is out but you gotta do what you gotta do.

I kept on walking down the dark hallway.I kept on hearing voices,I was debating on if the voices were actually real or in my head.

I was starting to get really scared now.The mansion was silent...not a sound...not a word.I then pulled out my demon dagger,for that is the only weapon I keep with my self all the time.

"Y/n....."I covered my ears for that voice...Is it in my head or is this reality...Is this in my head or is this reality...IS THIS IN MY HEAD IR IS THIS REALITY."

"Y/n"That's it I took my dagger and swung backwards not even looking at the person." lady Y/n your maid has been looking for you."

I faced the person to see it was Sebastian.He now has a small cut on his chest.I knew that isn't going to heal.Sebastian still creeped me out.

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