I don't hate you

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Y/n's pov~

"Seriously Alois...what the hell is this?" I asked will fear in my voice."Don't worry about it my dear..."Alois said.What the hell!I just look back to see Hannah the one that put the damn metal thing around my neck.

"Hannah you stupid tramp, take a hold of Y/n and make sure that she DOSENT get away...even though it wouldn't matter anyway."Alois said,with the last part sounding dark and disturbing.

~Time Skip~

~Character switch~

Samuels pov~

"Damn that demon,he has been in there for a good thirty minutes!I am getting impatient and I am not waiting much longer."I said with an irritated tone of voice."I guess it is taking longer then it should."D/n said.

"Sebastian did you make up your mind yet,I'm not really a patient kind of person!"I shouted hoping for him to hear me.Moments pass and I'm fed up."I'm leaving."I said bluntly while walking away.

"Not so fast!"D/n replied while stepping right in front of me."Do you mind moving?"I said even more annoyed then before."Leaving so soon are we?"We both heard the voice,and we both turned around instantly.

There he stood,he meaning Sebastian with that sly smirk on his stupid face."I'm guessing it is a yes?"D/n asked with a happy tone like if she was asking her best friend if she could come out and play.

"It so happens that master seems to have a soft spot for lady Y/n and has assured me that it was fine by him to assist you in this mission."Sebastian says while looking up into a window.

I look up at the window with D/n doing the same to see Lord Phantomhive blushing a lot then closing the curtains."Awe that's adorable!"D/n says."Save it."I said bluntly not wanting to get into the whole how cute conversation.

"Well we should get a move on,we don't have all day; I remember you saying that this is a emergency and we should get this done soon a possible." Sebastian said."I'm glad you listen."I said.

"What kind of butler would I be if I couldn't listen?"Sebastian asked with a smirk on his face."You would be a bad one."I said while chuckling a little,as did Sebastian;maybe he isn't that bad.

As we ran into the night we decided to make conversation,we did have some time I guess, and it will be a little bit even if we are running."So how dose Lord Phantomhive know Trancy?"I asked kind of curious.

"Well the master certainly despises Alois, and he would would love to see him die painfully and slowly."Sebastian replied."Your master seems quite dark."D/n said.

"Yes in deed he is, he is one of a kind that's what I can say."Sebastian said."Well his soul smells nice, I imagine that he would make a great meal."D/n said.

It then went silent and while we were running Sebastian just looked at D/n."Jeez I'm just joking!I would never !Im not like Claude!"D/n said while laughing.

All that happened was that Sebastian had a sigh of relief, and that D/n got a chuckle out of it."You startled me for a moment."Sebastian said with a small laugh.

"Lady Y/n has a beautiful smelling soul, a strong scent that is.I imaging a demon would kill for a soul like hers,I certainly would.There aren't many like hers out here these days,most are cheap and dull."Sebastian said in a serious tone.

Then the silents started again,but then I laughed with Sebastian following afterwards."I almost thought you couldn't take a joke there for a moment."Sebastian said.

All I did was smile a little."This looks like a start towards a beautiful relationship."D/n said."But with all kidding aside,I'd keep her close, demons all over would be looking for a soul like hers."Sebastian said."Same for you."I said.

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