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Warning-There is a lot of swearing in this chapter.

Y/n's pov~

I just didn't want to hear it anymore.I was tired of D/n not listening to me.I may sound like a total piece of shit,but I have my reasons.I don't like to be a total asshole all the time.

It's just things that happened in the past and it wasn't good.Something that destroyed my trust.Thats why I am the way I am.D/n just doesn't get it.I don't feel comfortable.

I walked into the guests room I am staying for at the moment and laid on the bed.I then heard a knock on my door."Who is it?"I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Ciel...""Come in."I replied.I still laid on my bed not having a care in the world."That was quite a show you put out there."Ciel said."Well,I know I might sound controlling but...I have my reasons.."I said.

"Can I hear these reasons?"Ciel asked as he took a seat in the side of the bed."I don't know...."I said."Maybe if you talk to me about these 'reasons' you will feel better."Ciel said.

"Alright...most of this has to do with my past,and how to this day I have trust issues."I said while getting a little more comfortable on the bed."I'm listening."Ciel said.

~Flash back~

(12 year old you)

3rd person pov~

"Y/n come back."The voice said to Y/n. "No!!! Leave me alone!!!"Y/n said as she was running away from some kind if mansion."D/n!!!"Y/n yelled as a strange figure was running towards her.Luckily D/n was there just in time.

If she wasn't Y/n would have been dead,but Y/n isn't going to thank her for she is the reason they are both in this situation.The male was fighting D/n, they were pretty close and evenly matched.

D/n was blocking the male so he couldn't grab,and take Y/n.But the male was pushing her back,getting closer...closer...and closer to Y/n.

"DAMNIT D/N HES GOING TO FUCKING EAT ME DO SOMETHING!!!!"Y/n shouted as the males face was inches away from Y/n's face.

D/n then kicked the male in the gut,causing him to go flying back."Your highness run!"D/n shouted.Y/n went sprinting into the woods...just to end up back at the strange mansion.

Y/n kept on panting trying to find some how to escape."Leaving so soon?"The boy said."DAMNIT LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"Y/n as she started sprinting away.

"Not so fast sweet heart."The boy said as he went running after Y/n.He then caught up to Y/n and leaped on her.They then started to struggle for dominance.

"GET OFF ME YOU STUPID FUCK!" Y/n snapped as she tried to kick the boy off."Come on Y/n that's no way to speak to your fiancé...."The boy said.

"I actually kind of enjoying struggling right beneath me..."The boy said.Y/n then left all of her proper instincts and decided to...

"OW!!!"The boy said as he rolled off of Y/n holding his crotch."Take that you little shit!"Y/n yelled as she was running from the boy,but before she got anywhere the boy grabbed her leg and pulled back,causing her to fall.

The boy then kissed Y/n.She tried to push him off but it was no use.

Y/n tried to push him off but it was no use.Then D/n appeared out of no where and ripped Y/n from the boys grip.D/n then ran with Y/n holding her bridal style.

Y/n could see as she looked back to see the boy saying "Don't worry my dear...we will meet again."Y/n just looked ahead and slowly fell asleep.

In the morning~

Y/n then woke up to D/n on a chair next to her with her eyes closed."I guess she was making sure that they don't come back.D/n then opened her eyes and said "I am sorry your highness...that I got you into that mess."

"Then don't do it again.Don't fall in love with someone you barley know."I said in a pissed tone."Your right and I will not do it again."D/n said."You better not.I am also not marrying that little prick.

"Glad to hear that."D/n."Just remember D/n I don't have anything against you with falling in love,but please have a better sense in what your lover wants.

Do they really want you or do they want to eat your master?Okay that was just a joke,but seriously do at least some kind of background check on them or something."I said.

~End of Flashback~

3rd person pov~

"So correct me if I'm wrong...D/n's boyfriend tried you."Ciel said."Yes that is correct."Y/n replied, even though the male was really after her soul.

"And you don't remember what their names were."Ciel said trying to piece the strange event together."Yep."Y/n replied.Hours pass and they start talking more.

As the two were talking they found that they were fairly similar to each other."Hey Ciel..."Y/n said."What?"He replied."I remember I went to some kind of ball with Lizzy,and I saw a girl or something that looked like you..." Y/n said.

"Ohh...that's weird..."Ciel replied while blushing.(Dose anyone else remember that episode?[hah corset...]) Both of their faces came closer...and closer and...

Ciel then moved away.Both of them blushing."Well now I understand these reasons,but can I ask you question?"Ciel asked."Go ahead."Y/n said.

"Why do you keep your bangs covering your eye?"Ciel asked."I d-don't like that eye."That sounded awful, what a bad lie."Your a bad liar, Y/n"Ciel said with a small smile on his face.

He then picked up his hand his up to Y/n's face to move her bangs.Y/n then picked her hand up and stopped Ciel from pushing the bangs aside."Please Ciel."Y/n said.

"Okay I'm sorry."Ciel said.What was really going through Y/n's mind was how would Ciel react if he were to see her eye,and the symbol on her heck too.

Would he think differently of her.Would he stay?Well Y/n decide to keep it a secret...Both of their face once again became very close to each other's.Then they...KISSED!!!

Authors note-Holly Shiz...well i decided to get this chapter out since all of you guys were waiting patiently,and since you guys waited so patiently you get rewarded a kiss from Ciel.Surprisingly I got this done in one day(It usually takes me to do it in 3-4 days).

Well who was the boy and the male in the story?(Oh come on Danielle,we all know who those guys were.)Anyway I hope you enjoyed if so I would appreciate it if you will vote,add,or follow!

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