My story~part 2

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Y/n pov~

Curse that demon,making me wait through that hell. "Where have you been d/n?!, Do you know what i have been going through since you have been gone?!!!" I asked. "I am so terribly sorry your highness,but you could of summoned me any be honest it looked like you were handling those beatings very well." d/n replied."Now what do I do, how do i know that my soul belongs to you, and that you are really mine to guide.?"I asked.

"Come with me, your highness." D/n said. We then walked for a few minutes wondering the forest until we reached a little water fall."Look in the reflection"D/n said. I did what i was told and i saw myself with a pentagram over my left eye that was (color), then another one on my neck That was (color). I then said "How am I supposed to hide these?" D/n then looked at me saying "We'll think about that when the time comes your highness."

"So what do I do to give you an order?" I asked. D/n then said "Your highness, i am your companion, start to finish.I am your maid,and you are my master.What kind of maid would i be if i couldn't follow orders?I suggest to you that you should try it out."I then thought to myself for a few minutes,but it seems like hours."Your a demon,and i can order you to do anything i i correct?" I asked. "No i am a bloody angel."D/n said.Now i know she has a good sense of humor.

"Ok here is your order...D/N THIS IS AN ORDER KILL EVERYONE IN THAT HELLHOLE,BUT FREE THE CHILDREN."As i said that i could feel a glowing sensation,an a surge of power go through me.I looked into the reflection to see both of the pentagram's glowing.D/n then put her hand where her heart was supposedly and said "Yes...your highness."She then disappeared just like that.I then slowly made my way back to the "Hell hole" and found it burning to the ground.

As i looked around i found hundreds of children lined up still in their hand cuffs.I then walked to the front of the line to see what was going on.I then saw D/n breaking off the handcuffs of the children.All the years i have been living,ever since both of my parents died i never smiled.It was almost like a lifeless expression.But that changed that day.All those years i thought that i forgotten how to smile,but there i was...with a big SMILE on my face.

No regrets...No regrets...No regrets. That's all that was flowing through my mind. i then started to walk towards the burning factory.I watched it burn with a big grin on my face I never felt better that's for sure.I watched all those men and women die as i smiled, there screams were music to my ears. As i was 'identifying each one i came across the man that put the symbols on my body,the body that was one "pure".

He crawled over to me, still burning i may add then he said in a scraggly voice saying "Y/ were always my was only orders that i was me."i looked down at the burning man.Then said "You are truly pathetic...time to pay for the misery you have caused me...DIE."When i finished that sentence i spit on him."Did that help?" i asked as i grinned. He then lowered his head on the ground and died.

I then heard a voice saying "That's not very lady-like to spit"I looked back to see D/n with the line of kids behind her."What shall we do now you highness,with these...children?" I looked behind her to see a little boy, he looked just like me...but younger. I then walked over to the little boy sat on my knees to get level with him and said "Little boy...what is you name?

He gulped then said "b/n...b/n l/n"(btw b/n= brothers name)"D/n!" She then walked up to me and then looked down at the boy. "your highness,he looks just like you." D/n spoke with disbelief in her tone of voice."Were taking the mansion back..." I said. "What?Wait that belongs to Donte remember?" She said. I then spoke in a monotone voice saying "That mansion belongs to me,i was their daughter, there oldest one.I know my mother passed everything she ever owned to me, for i am the only child that was blood and living with her.

Donte has no right to be living in that mansion. I now know why he has kept me hidden from world, that i truly was the one that mansion belonged, and all the money and riches came along with it too and that since there is no one left to go to, he was able to take it from me.Sneaky bastered..." After i finished that sentence I looked up at d/n looking for her approval even though it only mattered what i thought."We must get a move on then." She said. The kids followed us when we slowly made are way for town.

Just that moment i stopped dead in my tracts."D/n...Is Donte dead?"I then looked back to face her. "I am sorry your highness...i was not able to kill him, he was gone before i even arrived." I then stared at her for a few minutes that seemed lie hours. I then spoke up saying "Its ok....this a lesson,DO NOT FAIL ME D/N ."She shook her head up and down,then we continued our journey back to London.Long story short we got some kind of lawyer to hand over everything my parents owned.

Donte left without a trace but no doubt that he was not dead.He's out there somewhere.I will destroy him when the time comes though,he's not really important anyway.I'll kill him when the time presents itself,but that will be pretty long from now.I now work as the queens cat,and i find information on people that the Queen is suspicious about.I also take charge of c/n as well.The kids,on the other hand.D/n and I spent weeks looking for the children parents,but we finished the task

It felt good doing something...nice. I then was left with my stepbrother b/n.It turns out that when my mother and father were gone for about a year for a "business trip" my parents were actually handling my brother,and planning to put him up for adoption.But he was apparently kidnapped into child labor along with a good number of other kids.

So since i am his only other family I took him In and we both became very close with each other.He now knows about the "Little" contract I hold with D/n.Since I am 11,and he is 6 i will be the one making the "big decisions."

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