Worth living for

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Marcy's pov~

I looked around and saw many people watching me in this dreadful chair.Why am I here...and why are people staring at me?

"My name is Y/n L/n." I said as everyone watched me.The tall women with dark hair and red eyes looked satisfied more then anyone else.

"I think shes ready..."The man with glasses and golden eyes said.I watched as they kept me up from the green liquid and yanked the chair onto the floor.

I watched as they unstrapped me carefully.I saw them unbuckle and pick me up and bring me into some other room that was closed off from others.

Everything was blurry I didn't know what was going on.I watched as the man with glasses said

"Give me a few hours, and she'll be done."The others shook their heads up and down.I watched as the male shut the door.

"What's you name?"He asked me."Y/n L/n?" I said unsure.Who am I?"You don't seem so sure of you self..."

He said as his eyes moved from the notebook that he was taking notes on, to me." That's because I'm not."I replied.

All i could think about was who am I and where was I?"Yes your name is Y/n... Y/n L/n" He said to me as he stared at me.

"What happened to both of you parents?"He asked me."They are still with me yes?" I asked as i help my head together.

Ugh!!!My head aches so badly. "Y/n ...Don't you remember?Your parents died in a plane explosion ." The man said to me.Why cant I remember any of this happening?"Okay..." I said."Yes and you were put to work in a mine."He said.

"I was?" I ask him."Yes."

Lastly he went to ask me one last question."Do you remember what your father wanted to do to you?" He asked me."No..."

I said as I tried thinking really hard."He wanted you,to sexually please him."He said.I felt my eyes widen in fear.

"I REMEMBER!"I screamed as it started to come back.Terrible memories...I remember his face.

Longing for my touch.He always called me his rose...And when I refused to do such deed he grabbed me harshly and whispered in my ear-

"Your my rose and if you wont do what I want I will use force and that's something you wouldn't want...even if it means ripping your petals off slowly."I remember the smell of alcohol on his breath.

I remember him sliding my ragged shirt off slowly but me pulling it back up saying tomorrow.

Oh how I played that dirty old man.He wanted a piece of me so badly and I never gave him a slice.

I kept him waiting until the bitter end.He came close so many times with me always giving up but this rose never wilted.

I then screamed remember all the terrible things that man has done to me.

Whipped me and such it was hell.I'm glad I burned it all to the ground.I felt my eyes getting heavy as i fell over.

Claude's pov-

I opened the door to meet with everyone else."She is ready now, the process is now complete the souls are merged together." I said as D/n replied with nod.

Time Skip (8:00 at the L/n manor)-

"Thank you Claude, I shall speak to you soon."D/n said to me as she watched the highness and I leave.

I saw Lord Phantomhive and Sebastian walk out."Y/n I hope to talk to you once again soon."The child said.

"Don't worry master she will be back soon before you now it."He said.The child just nodded and continued on their way.I watched as the highness glared at Lord Phantomhive, as he did the same.

Character Switch-

Marcy/Y/n's pov-

I looked out the window as I watched all the guests leave.It looks like I am really brought back from the dead.

I looked back to see Declan,Alice,and Samuel line up into a line."Is it really you M-mistress?" Declan asked me.

I opened my mouth slowly."Yes it is me Y/n."I said.I watched as Alice and Declan ran up to me and gave me a big hug.

Well that knocked the air out of me!"I'm so glad your back!"The two of them said.I felt my shoulders become wet.

"A-are you two crying?"I asked.I felt them hug me tightly."Please never leave us again."I heard Declan sob.That moment I knew...I was wanted.

This is where I belong.I will never see B/n again, even in heaven.I wished I got to say good bye, but now he is in heaven with mom and dad.

I felt tears come down my faces."I finally know that I belong here, this is worth living for."I then felt my head ache.

"Ugh whats wrong with me?!?" I yelled I then felt my arms push back Declan and Alice."Mistress are you okay?!? " The two of them asked.

"No!It hurts so bad!"I yelled as I fell to the ground.I looked up as Samuel held onto my hand.

"Samuel... What's wrong with me?"I asked him."I-I dont know mistress."I heard him say.I then felt darkness overwhelm me.

Marcy/Y/n's pov-

I saw Y/n's male demon on top of me with his head against my chest."Ugh get off of me you pervert!"

I shouted.I watched as the demon removed himself from me quickly while blushing.

"Mistress what's wrong?"The three of them asked me."What are you talking about are you three blind?"

I asked them."Samuel was just trying to make sure your heart didn't stop."D/n said to me.

"Are you people seeing straight?"I asked as i glared at each one of them.I heard someone open the door but chose not to pay any attention.

"It isn't time yet go back in there."I heard Samuel say.I watched as D/n did a shooing motion with her hand .

"But I want to see her..."The person said.I decided to look behind myself.What I saw was unbelievable...I saw the small figure of B/n peaking out through the door.

Authors note-

Wow that was a chapter that only took me a few days to work on.Anyway who was surprised about the ending...*Cricket noises* Oh okay.Well that was an interesting chapter yes?Well I don't really have much to say about this chapter so I hope you enjoyed, I know this chapter was much shorter then the other ones but eh okay, if you enjoyed it would be greatly appreciate it if you share your opinion of the story good or bad, stuff that I should improve on too!Also I would love it if you vote, or follow!I hope you have a great day!

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