Tie up loose ends

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Y/n's pov~

Once I was done in the bath Hannah helped me out,and handed me a towel to dry myself."For being kidnapped, I actually enjoyed that bath."I said while drying my self some more.

"I'm glad to hear that M'lady."Hannah replied.I then looked around for my clothes to wear.I decided to speak up about it because I couldn't find them."Hannah,where are my clothes?"

I asked.She then turned around and grabbed the outfit off the small table next to the tub.I then took the outfit from her and examined it.It was al lot different then my other clothes I was wearing before.

This outfit was absolutely gorgeous.It was a dress that was f/c and black.It wasn't to long,and it wasn't to short.To be exact,it perfect.It was like it was made for me."Where did you get this?"I asked."It was made just for you."Hannah said.

"This is simply beautiful."I said as I held it up to my body seeing that it will fit perfectly."I'm happy to hear that."Hannah said."Why do you work for Alois."I asked."I imagine that there are many places that would love your help,and you would be perfect there."I added.

"I guess I have my reasons,I enjoy being here,even with Alois treating me this way."Hannah said."Good for you."I said with a little smile on my face,that was barely visible.Moments pass of Hannah helping get the dress on,and when it was finally done it looked stunning.

"These are my favorite colors."I said while looking into the body mirror."I know."Hannah said.I then looked back to face her."How do you know?"I asked kind of curious.

"Alois told me."Hannah said."Maybe he isn't that bad."I said hardly audible.I then walked into Alois's bedroom.I didn't bother to knock and just opened the door.I walked in to see the room looking beautiful and clean.

No more mud,or dirt in that case if you don't count Alois.(Sorry...I had to XD)He then got up from the bed,ran up to me and hugged me.It was almost as strong as Lizzy's hugs.

"Oh Y/n,you look stunning!"He said"Thanks." I said quietly.I'm not really used to being called stunning,or beautiful.I'm told that I look professional and mature.Lizzy told me one time that people find it hard to approach me.

Do I make people that uncomfortable? "You know that I'm an impatient man."Alois said in my ear.It sounded kinda creepy,but despite the creepiness I wanted to laugh.He called himself a man.

But what really happened was that I blushed."Oh get you head out of the gutter!"Alois giggled playfully.All I did was laugh a little in response still a little shaken up from what he just said.

"You know that I don't like waiting!I was so bored!"Alois said."What do you like to do for fun?"Alois said as he took my hand in his and sat down on the bed.

I then thought about:

•Sword fighting

"Um I guess I like playing chess?"I said.I don't usually do things that I like to do for fun.I'm not someone who has the time for fun and games.I'm the child that never got the chance to grow up properly.

The child that had to fend for themselves at a very young age."That sounded more like a question then an answer!"Alois said while giggling."Well,I'm always busy with paper work usually.I said.

"That sounds boring."Alois replied.All I did was shrug."It's not that bad when you get used to it.I never really got the time to...have real fun."I said."I wish things could go back to the way it was."Alois said.

"What do you mean?"I asked."When we could play hide and go seek without a care in the world.The way when you would come over here for fun.The times where I didn't need to steal you away."Alois said.

"I guess I have been alone for a while,and even though I have Claude and the other servants...I always felt alone.There nothing but servants."Alois said."That must be upsetting."I said while looking down at the floor."

"Y/n...you make me happy."Alois said while he held my hand tighter."I'm sorry about years ago...If I could take it back...I would."Alois added.I just sat there silent."I know that Claude wants to devour you soul...more than mine.

But as long as he is bound to the contract...I won't let him devour you...Never.The days have been boring and dull.I feel alone without you."Alois said.

I started to blush.He started to come closer to my face then...

Character Switch!~

Samuel's pov~

"Okay we are here.Do we get her quietly,or do we bust in?"Sebastian asked."I didn't answer the question all I did was run towards the mansion and break through there mansion.

I watched as I was right above Claude,and to see the disbelief in his eyes while looking up to me.I smirked as I landed on top of the chandelier perfectly,not shattering it at all.

It felt like I weighed nothing.I watched as he glared at me as he leaped to get me down."What kind of butler are you?Breaking glass?"He asked.I then backfliped of the chandelier causing Claude to totally destroy it.

"Do you really think you can take back Y/n?I find that very unrealistic."Claude said with his blank stare.I then waited seconds while running.It will only be a matter of time before the other servants arrive.

Where are D/n and Sebastian.Just that moment I watched as D/n and Sebastian jumped through the hole I left earlier."A little late don't you think?"I asked while Claude threw a golden knife and missing me by centimeters.

"We're fashionably late!I was planing on a grand entrance!"D/n replied."Sebastian."Claude replied in surprised tone.Moments pass until the battle with Claude made a whole new battle along with the other servants.

I then ran down the hallway and come to a halt.I watched as Alois hugged Y/n and kissed her on the cheek.It seemed that she was very uncomfortable.I then ripped Y/n from his arms.

"Y/n!"Alois shouted.I held Y/n in a bridal style and asked her "Shall I kill Alois Trancy?"I looked her straight in the eye."Y/n please!"Alois said with his eyes filling up with tears.

"No...we leave Alois alone."She replied while looking in Alois's direction.I saw him smile a little."Thank you."Alois said.

I then ran into the dinning room with Y/n and Sebastian still battling all five demons.They looked like they were losing but what do you expect? Two against five.

"Let's go."I said as I retreated back outside with Y/n with D/n and Sebastian slowly following."I didn't know you were a demon."Y/n said as she looked up into my eyes.

"I am,and I am yours to command."I replied while smiling. Right after that I looked down to see her pentagon on her neck glow."Is...Is that Sebastian?!?"She asked kind of surprised and scared."No need to be scared my lady."Sebastian said.

"No point in hiding this now."She replied.She then looked in his direction."I know there was something different about you."Y/n said while chuckling a little.

Alois's pov~

"Your highness, shall I bring Y/n back?"Claude asked me."You know if Y/n showed no mercy... I would be dead now.She spared my life.She shouldn't need to do that.You weren't there when I needed you!"I said while glaring at Claude.

"My apologies;So the question before, it's your choice."He said."No,let her go.We'll meet again.It was just nice to tie up loose ends."I said.

Authors Note~Hey nothing really to this.Thank you to all my supporters and readers that vote for this book and take their time to read it.It brings a smile to my face to see a new reader voting for all my chapters and gives me more of a reason to continue this book.I hope you enjoyed,if so vote,add, or follow!!!

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