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Samuel's pov~

"Okay It has been a while since I actually went to the Trancy manor,so I imagine you know where it is am I correct?"D/n asked. "Yeah, and to be honest I have never been there myself."I said.

"Okay,that's alright.Alois Trancy may be a brat,but he dose manage to keep the place presentable.Even though that is more of the servants doing." Sebastian said."So are we almost there yet?"D/n said impatiently.

We have been running non stop while jumping on top of rooftops once and a while too ."Do you want to take a break?"Sebastian asked with that smirk on his face."I need no rest I need to make sure that Y/n is alright, and not hurt."I said.

I watched as D/n started to giggle a little."What?!?"I asked a little annoyed that she was laughing at me for some reason."What's with you and Y/n ?Like really.You act as if she is your girlfriend."D/n said.

"I don't know what your talking about!"I shouted.I started to feel different.I thought demons were incapable of having human feeling of some sorts.

"Oh Samuel, you seem to be blushing."Sebastian said with his signature smirk."I'm doing no such thing!"I said while feeling the heat on my cheeks once more.

"Hah your still doing it!"D/n pointed."I still don't know-"Before I could finish my sentence, since I like to have good communication while talking I like to look at the person while talking I was to busy looking at D/n instead of looking forward.

Then and there I fell through a roof top crack landing into an ally almost face planting."I watched as D/n bursted into laughter and Sebastian start snickering.

"Hey this looks like a good place to rest!"D/n said.At the same time Sebastian and I just looked at her."What?"She asked if she didn't know that we are in an ally at the moment.

"Hey look!Theres a box!We can all
Fit in there if we become animals!"D/n said. The two of us looked at the beaten up box that looked like a homeless man lived in there for some time.

It was still raining too and there isn't any inns or hotels available surprisingly.I just sighed and turned into a wolf and tried to make myself comfortable.

I watched as Sebastian turned into a Crow and laid there awkwardly on top of me almost in a dead position.Then D/n scooted her self in and seemed like she was enjoying this way to much.

"Well...this is awkward.Sebastian said."Couldn't agree more."I replied."Hey I don't know what you guys are talking about but I am very comfortable."D/n said.

"How about we never speak of this again afterwards."I said."Never speak of what?"Sebastian asked,and with that we all fell asleep.

~Time skip (Morning 8:00 Trancy Manor)~

Y/n's pov~

I woke up to being held tightly around my waist.I tried to get up from the bed without waking Alois, but saw him slowly open his eyes.

"Hello dear,how was your night?"Alois asked as if we were an old married couple and we have been together for 50 years."I slept fine."I said while stretching.

"Oh well look at that it looks like we both were so tired that we forgot to clean you up."Alois said.I turned around to face him seeing him covered in dry mud along with his bed.

I was then a little scared if he would hit me,he looked pretty annoyed.I watched as moments pass just to see his face rerun to a bright smiling face."Oh well I'll have Claude clean it or something."

"Speaking of Claude...where is he?Wasn't he supposed to be here 10 minutes ago?"I asked."In a matter of fact,your right!"Alois said.

"Claude!"Alois yelled.Minutes pass until Claude walks into the room.Alois then stomps over to him and slaps him across the face."Your late!"Alois said in a pissed tone.

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