66- Princely

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  "She's crying again-"  I sweat dropped, tying off the thread of a dress I was adjusting.  "I feel bad now Arisa."

  "Why the neck are you two embracing?  Don't you get it?!  You're supposed to be evil!"  Kinoshita-san shouted from the stage.

  "Someone shut her up-"  Arias groaned.  "I feel bad too.  But Tohru looked so happy to have a part!"

  "I know-"  I sighed.  "But it's not her I'm really worried about-  Kyo's gonna get pissed off if she doesn't learn her lines soon."  I glanced around the gym.  "Speaking of- where is he?  He hasn't been on stage and I haven't fitted his costume yet either-"

  "Carrot top?  No clue."  She shrugged.  "I'm gonna go check on Tohru."

  "Give her some words of encouragement."  I waved her off, turning my focus to the costumes. 

  Aya had made the costumes for us, so with the days left before the show I had to do some last minute fittings for the cast.  Kyo was the last one, since he was skipping out on rehearsals so regularly. 

  I sighed, grabbing his costume off the rack and headed for the exit to go find him.  "Kyo?"  I called, making my way down the hall towards the roof.  I had a sneaky suspicion he'd be up there, and turns out I was right.  "There you are."  I huffed, crossing my arms.  "Any reason you're skipping out on rehearsals?"

  He sat in the alcove, playing on his phone.  "Boring."

  "Yeah well everyone is working hard, so you should be too."  I held up his costume.  "Now go get this thing on so I can check it."

  "I'm not wearing that ugly thing."  He huffed. 

  I made my way up the stairs, and tugged his phone out of his hand.  "Put the fucking outfit on, dumbass."  I tossed it into his arms and stood against the wall.  "I'm not gonna ask you again, you're being difficult.  I get it, this show isn't anyone first pick but please stop making everyone more stressed than they need to be."

  "This is so stupid."  He grunted, stomping down the stairs and around the corner.  I sighed and sat down on the top step, messing around with his phone until he came back out.  "There.  Happy?"  He stood with his arms crossed, looking awkward as all hell in his costume.

  "Thank you."  I sighed, standing up.  "All I need to do is check some measurements, then you can get changed again."  I reaches up and kissed him on the cheek, then got to work fixing the jacket of the costume.  "Yknow, you look really good as a prince."  I said, looking up at him.  "It suits you."

  "Shut up."  He blushed red, turning his head to hide it. 

  I giggled, standing back up.  "I'm all done, you can go change now."  He bent down to give me a kiss, but I backed up, shaking my head.  "After you change.  I'm not ruining Aya's work."

  He frowned and disappeared into the bathroom, coming back out in his uniform almost as fast as he'd gone in.  "Kiss-"  He frowned.  "I'm sorry for being an idiot."

  "You're forgiven.  But you still have to go practice with everyone else at some point."  I reached up, lacing a hand through his hair to kiss him.  "I love you, don't keep being an idiot."

  "Can I talk to him now?"

  I turned around.  "How many times are you going to walk in on us Yuki?"  I raised a brow.  "He's all yours.  Play nicely though, I don't want any trouble."

  "Thanks."  Yuki nodded as I passed him.

  I headed back down stairs to the gym with Kyo's costume, sighing when I saw Tohru in practically the same position I'd left her in. "Arisa!"  I shouted, flagging her down.  "What's going on?"

  "They're rewriting the script, apparently."  She shrugged.  "You find Prince Carrot top?"

  "Yeah, he's upstairs talking to Yuki."  I hung up his costume and fell into my chair with a sigh.  "This show is so much work-  Couldn't we have done something simple?  Like- I don't know- rice balls again?"

  She laughed, slinging an arm around my shoulder.  "We're almost done for today, why don't you get Tohru and go wait for the boys?"

  "Good idea-"  I nodded.  Knowing them they got into an argument as soon as I left them alone, so it would be best to wait for them to fight it out and walk home together.  "Tohru!"  I shouted, standing up and gathering my books.  "Are you ready to go?"

  "Oh!  Yes!"  She stood up, running off the stage to greet me.  "Are we going to wait for Kyo-kun and Yuki-kun?"

  "Yeah, we can wait for them in the classroom if you want, they're upstairs right now." 

  "Okay!"  She brightened up immediately, a smile coming to her face.  "Hey Sato!  What do you think of the show so far?"

  I started walking as we talked.  "Its good."  I praised.  "You're doing wonderful Tohru!"

  Really!  I thought I wasn't doing very well-"  She sighed.  "But I guess I'm doing well!"

  We made our way into the classroom and sat down.  "Saki and everyone else is doing great too.  I think the show will go by with- minimal problems-"  I don't think she could tell I was lying straight to her face, it was Tohru after all. 

  "Hey you two-"  The door to the classroom slid open.

  "Oh!  Kyo kun! I'm glad you're here!  Yuki-kun never came back after he went looking for you!"

  "What are you guys doing here by yourselves?"  He asked, taking my hand.  "Where's everyone else?"

  "They went home, we finished rehearsing for today."  Tohru announced.

  "We were just waiting for you.  Tohru wanted to walk home with you and Yuki."

  "An look!  I wanted you to see this!"  She held up a script that read, Revised Cinderella (TBD) 2-D.  "They rewrote the script!  So I wanted you to read it through!  I'm sure you'll find it easier to act out your role this time!  She also rewrote my role to make it easier for me.  Oh-  but for me it was because my acting was terrible!"

  I glanced down at his hand in mine, furrowing my brow when I saw a scratch that wasn't there before earlier.  I ran a thumb over it, frowning when some of the blood transferred onto my finger.  "Kyo what happened?"  He must have gotten into a fight with Yuki like I thought, but this look like he punched something else.

  "Kyo-kun!  Your hand is injured!"

  "Fine."  He sighed, his eyes lulling closed.  "I guess I'll do it."  He grabbed the script, pointing it at me.  "But you guys better not laugh at me. 

  "I wouldn't dream of it."  I kissed his cheek.  "Alright, let's go home so so can clean this wound."
Word Count: 1151 words

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