85- I'm Sorry

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  The house was quiet when I got home, minus the sounds of the television in the other room.  I made my way towards the kitchen, passing by Shigure on my way.

  "How is she?"  Shigure asked, looking up at me.  He looked genuinely curious, and I thought about how much love he had shown her throughout the last few years.  It would be mean to withhold he state from him.

  "She's feeling good.  Had energy right after she woke up."  I turned on the water to make a pot of tea.  Something told me Kyo would be needing something to eat or drink today.

  "That's good."  He sighed, making his way to stand in front of me.  "I'm sorry Sato."

  "For what?"  I blinked innocently.  "Last I checked you were a liar.  I've lost most of my trust in you, frankly."

  His lip quivered, and it looked like he might cry.  "I.. That's completely fair.."

  "But I'm not going to hold everything that happened against you.  You were under a really shitty curse."  I set the kettle on the stove and paused.  "What's going to happen with Akito now?"

  "They'll be kept under supervision for at least the rest of the year."  He sounded sad.  "I do love them, Sato.  I can't help that.  It's something deeper than the curse.  I've come to accept that.  I'm going to choose to stay by their side once you kids leave."

  Now it was my turn to feel sad.  I was going to miss having Shigure, Yuki and Tohru around all the time, given the amount of things we experienced together.  "So- Just like that?  Everything is over?"

  "It looks like it."  He stepped forward once, closing the gap between us.  "I'm just sorry that it ended with you not trusting me.  I never once considered I'd be losing all of you."

  "Where will you two go?"

  "We'll stay at the estate.  Not too far away, but I trust Kyo will never visit me.  I assume that Akito will still have control of the estate once this settles, and I want to be there to support them."  

  "I'll visit."  I whispered.  "I promise I'll visit."

  "No you won't."  Shigure was smiling.  "Sato, you're going to forget all about that place.  Not literally, I don't know where Hatori ran off to, but you should just try to move on."

  The sound of the kettle interrupted him, making us both jump.  I stepped forward and pulled him into a hug.  "This is the first goodbye of many."  I looked up at him.  He was frowning, and pulled me into his arms tightly.  

  "I'll believe it when I see it."  He mumbled, moving to make his way out of the room.

  I turned towards the stove, willing tears not to fall.  He was right.  I was never going to willingly let myself return to that place.  We probably would never see each other after the school year ended.  I thought about Momiji and Haru, both of which would still be students by this time next year.  Part of me hoped Haru would take Rin and run away to some remote location where they could be at peace.  Momiji, he'd do fine for himself now that he'd had his growth spurt.  Yuki and Tohru..  Yuki wanted nothing more than to get away from the Estate, but given the fact that Tohru was such an established part of the family, he'd stay if she wished it.

  Upstairs, a crash pulled me from my thoughts.  Kyo was hurting right now, from extremely old, reopened wounds.  It'd take a lot to help him.  When Yuki told me Kyo had gone to see his own father, I cried.  I cried almost all the way home.  He was suffering- again, and refused to tell me.

  I knocked on Kyo's door, with no response.  "Hey-"  I started, turning the knob.  "Can I talk to you?"

  No response.  That's fine.  I pushed the door open, catching sight of a completely disheveled bedroom.

  Kyo was sitting in the center of his room, where Yuki had left him earlier.  I frowned, setting the tray down on a nearby dresser.  He made no motion to look at me, just shrinking further into a ball.

  "Kyo."  I spoke sternly, trying to get his attention.  "You lied to me."

  His head jerked up, and a prominent scowl had formed across his face.  "I didn't."

  I thought we promised you wouldn't do anything stupid?  Yuki told me you went to see your father today."  I made a couple steps towards him.  "I wish you would have told me.  That's all.  I don't like how this has caused secrets between us."

  "I-" He sighed.  "I think my curse broke earlier..  when I saw him."  He brought a hand up to his throat, touching it gingerly.

  Ignoring to tea, I made a move to sit down next to him.  "Kyo.  You're curse..  Are you okay?"

  He looked over at me, and I could see the start of tears falling.  "No."  He whispered.

  I took a deep breath, pulling him into a hug on the floor.  He sighed heavily, relaxing his muscles a bit when he remembered he wouldn't turn.  "Can you tell me what happened?"

  "He admitted it.."

  "That man- he admitted what he did to her."  Kyo whispered, his voice strained.  "I felt it.  So lonely and afraid..  He's just like me.  But then I remembered- I'm nothing like him."

  "In the years I've known you, you have been nothing but a kind, generous person.  Your father- that man is nothing now."

  "I know.  I have you to thank for that.  You never stopped taking changing with the kid who everyone despised.."  He looked up at me, smiling softly.  "Thank you, Sato."

  "I love you so much Kyo.  Since forever.  As long as you want me to."  I paused.  "Is that the only thing you needed to tell me?  You seem- off still.  Something happened with Tohru the other day, Yuki was acting weird about you when Shigure and I came home."

  He paused, his eyes widening.  He then sighed.  "I admitted to Tohru that I knew her mother- Everything just happened so fast and I blurted it out.  She started crying so I ran into the woods.  That's why I was able to get to you guys so fast.."

  "If you weren't there, Tohru could have died.  I was so distraught I couldn't think straight."  I felt some tears rolling down my face.  "You saved her."

  "What if she hates me now?  Her mother- she said she would never forgive me."  His voice cracked. 

  "Well- we could go visit her.  She does get out today."

  "Is the Rat gonna be there?"  He frowned.

  "You're worried about the rat when you should be worried about whether or not Tohru socks you in the face when she sees you."  I rolled my eyes.  "Did something happen with Yuki too?"

  His face went pale and he shot up.  "No." 

  "Something did!"  I laughed.  "Did you two get into a fight?  I don't imagine you threw yourself through the balcony door, did you?"

  He huffed and tugged on my hand.  "Shut up.  I'm not telling."

Word Count: 1207 Words

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