62- Stubborn

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Hi, sorry Chapter production has been so slow, I'm in school and we've been doing a lot of work lately so it's been hard to work on school work and chapters at the same time.  I'm going to try and put out at least two chapters a week starting this week, but I can't make any promises.  If I do, they may end up being a lot shorter than they normally are (Like this one is) :)  thx for understanding!!
  “She’s so stubborn I swear-”  I sighed, tossing my head in Kyo’s lap with a sigh.  “When Yuki went to go check on her earlier, she was refusing to eat anything.  I can only hope that Tohru can do something to get her to calm down.”  I frowned.  “She’s good with that, far better than I could ever hope to be.”

  “Do you think so?”  He cocked his head, setting down his book.  “I think she might be too hard headed for even Tohru to handle.”

  “No, I have trust in her.  Tohru’s my girl, she’s got this.”  I smiled.  “I understand that Rin doesn’t trust her yet, and it may take a while for her to get there, but I have a feeling that this will work out for all of us.  And get this-”  I was cut of by the sound of Rin shrieking down the hall.  

  “What the?”  I started.  But then, what was even more peculiar; another shout followed after hers, at a higher pitch.  “Was that-”

  “Tohru?”  We both looked at each other and bolted up off the bed.  

  “Holy shit-”  I gasped, trying to supress my excitement and bewilderment.  “Who woulda thought Tohru would be one to shout at someone?!  This is amazing!!”

  “You’re crazy.”  He sighed exasperatedly and tossed open the door.

  “No no-”  I explained in a rush, watching as Yuki tossed his own door open.  “This is good-  That means they’re getting somewhere!  Oh my god I could kiss Tohru right now!”

  “Ehm-”  Kyo glared at me.

  “Oh hush-”  I rolled my eyes and turned back eagerly as the girls bedroom door opened and Rin ran out followed by a frantically shouting Tohru.

  “Isuzu-san!  Wait!”  She shouted, waving her arms.

  “Tohru, what happened?”  I stepped forward, ducking under her arm and grabbing her wrist.  “We heard shouting-”

  “Uhm-”  She looked at the ground.  “I’m afraid I angered Isuzu-san...”

  “Why don’t we go after her then?”  I asked gently, trying to comfort her.  “She uses her anger as a mask to hide behind.  Whatever you said must have scared her.  What did you say to her?”

  “I-”  She glanced at the boys nervously and tugged on my wrist, pulling me down the stairs.  “I asked if she was trying to break the curse.  And she told me to stop meddling.”  She said meekly, hanging her head.

  I blinked at her blankly for a moment before a small smile strung across my face.  “Let me guess-”  I started, putting a hand on her shoulder.  She looked up at me, startled.  “You said you wouldn’t stop?”  She nodded.  “And she got upset?”  I laughed softly as she nodded again, and as I lead her along to the front doorway I begin to tell her about my history with her.  “That’s exactly what happened when I told her I wanted to intervene with the curse as well.  She got so angry she transformed right in front of me and wouldn’t speak to me for three days. She’s hard headed, it’s gonna take a fight to get your way with her.”

  “Heh!?”  Tohru cried, coming to a complete stop.  “She’s not going to transform again, right!?”  

  I smiled, shaking my head.  “No, you’ll be alright.  Just, be gentle with her, okay?  She’s been through a lot, no doubt she needs someone else to befriend.  She and I can relate in many ways, so sometimes its best to have someone from the outside to take care of us.  She’ll stay put.  Don’t worry.”

  We walked silently down the front path as we neared Rin, who sat on the front step.  She was crying and I took a step back, knowing she would need to apologize in the only way she knew how to.  Tohru sat down beside her and Rin all but fell into her lap, apologizing profusely.

  “What’d I tell you?”  I asked as I took a few steps back and sidled up beside Kyo, keeping a watchful eye on Shigure, who was keeping a close eye on Rin and Tohru.  I could only imagine what was going through his mind now that Tohru had finally been roped into everything.  If he didn’t know what was going on then, he sure did now and that could be dangerous.

  “You’re always right.”  Kyo pinched my arm with a smirk.

  “Of course I am!”  I laughed lowely, before I was interrupted by Shigure.

  “She should just let herself be cared for.”  Shigure said, smirking to himself.  “The important part is what you do after.  Will you keep letting yourself be cared for?  Or-”

  Although I had qualms with what he said, and knew he wasn’t just talking about Rin herself but to all of us in some way, I couldn’t help but agree a little bit.  “Shut up.”  I said, though I was smiling..  It would take a while, but I knew now; watching the two girls hugging, we would be able to break the curse in due time.
Word Count: 918 Words

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