72- Paper Flowers

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  "Graduation!"  Tohru exclaimed, holding out a flower to my face.  "Isn't it exciting?"

  "Careful-"  I sighed, taking the paper decoration from her hand and setting it beside me.  "You're gonna kill someone if you aren't careful."

  "Hehe- Sorry Sato."  She giggled.  "Momiji was telling me how important it is for the younger classmen to see the upperclassmen leaving.  I never thought of it that way, but it is, isn't it?"

  "Important?"  I asked, taking a paper from one of the younger students hands.  "I guess so- more sad than anything else though.  We won't see a lot of them ever again."

  "Well-"  She spoke quietly, thoughtfully.  "It's important to move on!"  She pumped her fist in the air, nearly knocking into me in the process.  "They're off to do great things!  I promised mom I would go to college!  I can't wait!"

  "You'll be one of the first ones to be admitted."  I laughed, leaning back against the window.  

  Graduation.  I'd be off to college, and the Sohmas' back to Akito's side.  When I returned to the estate- if I returned to the estate, I wondered how things would be.  Happy?  Probably not, knowing Akito.

  "Let's go see how the others are doing!"  Tohru exclaimed, jumping up from her seat.  "Kyo-kun and Sohma-san are making some as well!"

  She all but dragged me from my chair and out into the hallway, and we made our way down the stairs towards our classroom where the boys were.  As we neared the door, there was yelling and shouting, and three students came rushing out, followed by three more running after them.

  "What happened?"  I asked, eyeing Kyo who sulked at his desk.

  "They stole all the flowers Yuki made."  Yusuke, one of our classmates grumbled.

  "Seriously?"  I laughed, covering my mouth with my hand.  "Who was put in charge of watching them?"

  "Why would they do that!?"

  "Because they're prince Yuki's."  Arisa and Saki sighed.

  "Someone just has to make more then, right?"  I sighed, picking up some paper off of the desk.  "Whose doing it?"

  "That only leaves one choice-"  Arisa hummed, coming up beside me.  "You-" She pointed at Kyo. "Fold more flowers."

  "There you go again- they stole that jerks flowers.  Not mine."

  "Yeah, but he already left for student council."

  "So what?  I just finally finished my share- Hey!  They're gone!"

  "Mhm."  I nodded, holding a flower in my hand.  "Thanks for the flower, by the way."

  "You dumbass, give me that."  He grumbled, reaching out to try and take it as I pulled it away.  "Where'd the rest of them go?!"

  "Well- in their rush to leave, they dropped a flower.  I assume its one of yours, considering how sloppy it is."  I laughed, tossing the paper bundle up in the air and catching it in my hands.  "So I assume they took the rest of them."

  "Sloppy!?"  He scoffed, a look of disbelief crossing his face.  "Yeah right!"

  "Now you'll have to start over either way."  Hiroshi shrugged.

  "You're kidding me!"

  "Seriously though, what do we do about the Prince's?"  Arisa asked, looking over at me.

  "It doesn't seem right to call him back here to make more."  Tohru agreed.

  "Wait- does that mean we have to make them?"  Hiroshi whispered in my ear, making the room go cold.

"Grrr!  Who do they think they are, dammit!  We're gonna find those girls and take back the flowers."  Arisa shouted, raising her fist.


  "I think it would be better to make more-"  Tohru fretted.

"You just don't want to make them-"  Kyo muttered under his breath.

  "Now come on!  Let's go!  You too Hanajima!"

  "Well, I guess if you guys need support ..."

  "Tohru, you hold down fort!"

  "I can do it."  I spoke up, settling down into my desk with a sighe.  "I don't mind that much."

  "What?"  Tohru cried, shaking her head.  "I can't let you do it alone!"

  "It's fine.  I've got Kyo to do it with me."  I smiled.  "Besides, they'll get most of the flowers back, so we shouldn't have to make that many."

  "A-are you sure?"  She asked, shuffling her feet.  "I should help!"

  "Tohru, go after your friends.  Have some fun, m'kay?"

  "Alright."  She ran off through the door, letting it shut behind her.

  I sighed, letting my head drop with a thud on my desk.  "I don't want to make any more fucking flowers."

  "Then why the hell did you agree to do it?  Idiot."  Kyo grunted, flicking me in the forehead.  "I swear, sometimes it's like you've got rocks for brains."

  "And you don't?"

  "Shut up."  He sighed, grabbing a sheet of paper to start folding.  "This is your fault you're in this mess, so you've got to deal with it.  Here, finish this one."

  "Damn, what's got your panties in a knot?"  I scoffed, taking the flower.  "Yuki piss you off again?"

  "No, it's those damn girls this time."  He huffed.  "It's just downright creepy some of the shit they do."

  "I've grown used to it I guess.  They kind of remind me of Kagura in a way.  And you know how long I've dealt with her."

  "Trust me.  I know Kagura."  He grunted.  "But her obsession makes sense in a creepy- fucked up kind of way.  These freaks are just scary."

  "Aww.  Are you afraid of the big scary girls."  I cooed, reaching out to ruffle his hair.

  He glared at me me, eyes narrow slits.  "I will kill you."

  "You wouldn't dare."  I laughed.  "Get used to it, you're fucking attractive as hell. Girls are going to be hanging off of you until the day you die.  Now come on, these flowers aren't gonna make themselves."
Word Count: 959 Words

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