48- Summoned

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  I stood at the stovetop, preparing lunch for Tohru, Kyo and myself when Shigure’s high pitched coo came from the living room.  “Tohru-kun!  Got a minute?”

  I set the spoon down and made my way into the livingroom.  “What are you doing here?”  I asked, crossing my arms and leaning against the doorway.

  “I forgot something!”  He laughed, turning in Kyo’s direction.  “Kyo-kun!”

  Kyo and I immediately looked at each other.  “What do you mean you forgot Kyo?”  I asked, stepping up beside Tohru.

  “Akito-san asked me to bring you to the Annex!”  Shigure explained.  “Sorry girls, I’ll be taking him today.”

  “Akito?”  I questioned under my breath.  “This can’t be any good.”

  “Wonderful!  It’s wonderful!  How lovely!  You’ve been summoned too Kyo-kun!”  Tohru gasped, a wide smile across her face.  “I’m so happy for you!”

  I bit my lip and looked at the floor, not having the heart to tell her this only meant bad news.  Being the ‘forgotten’ cat, Akito never summoned Kyo for anything.  I could only begin to imagine what they would say when they saw him.

  “Oi-”  Kyo touched my cheek lightly.  “Behave and don’t worry yourself.  I’ll be back before you even notice, alright?”

  “Be safe.”  I whispered quietly, trying not to worry Tohru.  “I don’t need you getting hurt on me.”

  “They can’t do much to scare me.  I’ll come back to you safe and sound alright?  Wait for me.”  He smiled gently and turned to Tohru.  “Be good and wait for me to come back.  And take care of Sato for me.  Make sure she doesn’t go tripping over something like a clutz.”

  “I will!”  She chirped.  “See you later!”

  Shigure and Kyo shared a few words in the doorway before heading out, leaving Tohru and I alone in the house.  I sighed heavily.  “Why don’t we finish making lunch while we wait for everyone to return?”  I asked, trying to put my mind to something else.

  “Huh!?”  She asked, shaking from her dreamy stare.  “Alright!”

  We finished making lunch and headed up to the balcony to eat it.  I stared out past the ocean at the horizon, attempting to calm my mind and focus on Tohru and the present.  

  “Kyo-kun should have arrived there by now-”  She said, staring out at the water beside me.  “I wonder if they’re dining together like us!”

  “Maybe!”  I lied, forcing a smile.  “Perhaps they’re having a mini banquet together.”  I had to wonder though, was this some part of Akito’s plan to bring the zodiac back to them?  Had they successfully gotten to the others, and the only one left to steal away was Kyo?  They’ve always held a grudge against me, even as a Sohma myself, and now that I was making advances at their precious little world they would start trying to attack mine.  If so, I knew they would do anything to break and ware him down until he had no choice but to stand at their side.

  “I think it’s lovely of Akito to want to spend time with Kyo.”  She grabbed my arm.  “Don’t you think so?  It means they’ve finally accepted him!”

  “Acceptance from Akito is considered the most holy of things.  They don’t just hand it out to anyone, I should know.  So I think this is a good step in the right direction for all of us.”  She’d seen the power Akito held, and yet she was still hopeful that this was all going to end well.  There was a kindness in Tohru i’ve never seen in anyone before, something almost motherly and nurturing about her.  She believed in the good in everyone, no matter how many times they hurt her or the people around her.  Maybe Rin was right in thinking Tohru could help us.  If she could break down that ugly exterior that Akito had up, we could catch them when they were most vulnerable.


  “I’m going down to the beach.”  Tohru poked her head in my room.  “Would you like to come with me?”

  “I think I’ll stay here and wait for the rest of the family to return if that’s alright?  I know we rarely get any time away from anybody, so a nice walk by yourself might be nice.”  I said, setting down my pencil.  “Maybe you’ll see someone on your way?”

  “You’re right!”  She gasped.  “Thank you!  I’ll be going now then!”

  “I’ll see you when you return!”  I shouted after her as she ran down the hall.  The house was quiet, other than the faint music playing from my radio in the corner of the room.  I sat in the arm chair, going over some last corrections to my math homework sensei gave us for break.  So far, it had been good at calming my nerves, and I was more thank thankful for it, which wouldn’t have been the case in literally any other situation. 

  A few minutes later, I heard one of the doors downstairs close faintly, and some footsteps started up the stairs.  I set my things down and started for the door carefully, opening it to peek out.

  “Kyo!”  I gasped, tossing the door open.  “What happened to your face?  Did Akito hurt you!?”  I grabbed him by the chin and pulled him close to me so I could look at the already bruising marks below his eyes.  “Please tell me you’re alright-”  He stared at me silently, his eyes dead set on mine.  “Kyo?”  I frowned.

  “I got into a fight.”  He brushed past me and sat on my bed, curling his knees up to his chest. 

  “With Akito?”  I scoffed.  “They sure did a number on you then.  Tell me what really happened why don’t you?  We both know Akito is nothing but a troublemaker.”

  “Tohru was so happy for me.  But I don’t want to be summoned again.”  He stared at the ceiling.  

  “Did they say anything to you?  Or did they just abuse their power again?”  I sat down beside him, taking his cheek in my hand to check it over.  “Man- they really did hurt you didn’t they?”

  “I don’t really care anymore.”  

  “I’m happy you’re back, although you did break your promise a bit.”  I laughed and fell backward on the bed.  “I specifically said come back safe and sound.  And yet here you are looking like you went through a scuffle with a monster.”

  He looked back at me for a moment, a small hint of a smile on his face.  Whatever Akito said to him must have really affected him, but I knew he didn’t want me to worry or get involved with it any further.  “Where’s Tohru?”  He asked, looking around the room.

  “I said she could go down to the beach.  Do you want to go see her?”  I asked, sitting up.

  “Lets take a walk down there.”  He held his hand out for me.  “I just need to clear my mind a bit.”
Word Count: 1168 Words

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