21- A Day Out

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  “Sato.”  I turn around as Hatori is opening the door to this vehicle.  “Come here.”

  I frown to Kyo, pushing him inside and shutting the door behind him. I walk slowly over to him.  “What’s wrong Ha-chan?”

  “I spoke with Akito.”  He started.  “They’d like to speak with you once your father returns.  Until then, they don’t want you to step foot on the estate premises.”

  “Really?  Why does dad have to be home?”  I asked.

  “That’s not for me to tell you.”  He sighed.  “Akito has plans that even I don’t know about.  Just please listen to their orders so nothing happens.  Okay?”

  “I guess.”

  “Yes or no.”

  “Yes Ha-chan.  I understand.”  I smile up at him.  “This just means that I might actually have a chance to break the curse!”

  He ruffled my hair.  “I hope you do.  Now go inside, I bet they’re wondering why you’re out here with me.”

  I nod.  “Bye Ha-chan!”  I run back inside, grinning like a fool.  I’ll actually get to talk to Akito now.  Even though I’m happy, there’s still a small pit in my stomach that tells me something might go wrong.


  “Arisa!”  I shout, waving to her.  She grins, waving me over.  I ran over to her, slipping into the water beside her.  “It’s so hot I swear I thought I was going to melt!”  I groan, feeling the cool water over my shoulders.

  “Tell me about it.”  She sighs.  “Can’t have summer without a nice cold pool!  I am not moving from this spot!”

  I laugh, looking around the pool at the other students.  Some of them are glaring at Arisa, so I listen in.

  “Why’s a delinquent polluting a school pool!?”  One of them asked. 

  “Don’t her kind usually ditch?!  And what’s a Sohma doing hanging out with a punk like her anyways?  She could be hanging with Prince Yuki!”  The two giggle.  I watch as Saki slowly swims up to them, hidden behind them.

  “Hmph.  I don’t understand why we have to share a pool with the weirdo who dresses like some bad girl from twenty years ago!”  The two girls gasp loudly when they finally notice that she’s there.

  “Find it yet?  Your hair tie?”

  “No luck.  I fear it’s drifted away somewhere.  It’s unfortunate.  The pool experience will be much less enjoyable now.”

  “Here Saki, I’ve got one for you.  Join us over here huh?”  I laugh, slingshotting her the hair tie.  She swims over to us, leaning against the pool wall beside me.

  “You know most people would just call it swimming.”  Arisa giggled.

  “Hana-chan!”  Tohru shouted from farther away.  “Look what I found!”  She holds up one black hair tie compared to my bright orange one I lended Saki.  Probably more preferable than mine.  I giggle.  “An extra hair tie!”

  Saki hands me mine back with a thank you and takes the one from Tohru.  

  “Hey Tohru-”  I frown as Arisa starts bawling beside me.  “Is that a school swimsuit?”  I ask, eyeing it.  It’s quite an ugly shade of blue, although I can’t say much because my bikini is something else from my awkward Lolita days that I kept.  It’s light green and kinda strappy, but with lots of bows, beads and ruffles.  Kinda embarrassing to say the least.  But maybe not as embarrassing as a school swimsuit.

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