13- Second Years

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"Hey Babe." My ears perk up at the sound of my name. And there's only one person I know who calls me babe. I turn around to see Momiji barreling towards me, pulling Haru in tow.

"What are you two doing here?" I look at the uniforms they have on. "And why are you in our school uniform?"

"We transferred here!" Momiji exclaimed. "We're first years!"

I look up at Haru, who nods. "And why exactly did you choose this school?"

He smirks, wrapping an arm carefully around my shoulder. "Why- to be closer to you babe." He tosses what I guess is supposed to be a dazzling smile to me, and I roll my eyes.

"You came to see Tohru, didn't you?"

"Ja!" Momiji exclaims. "Do you know where she is? I want to surprise her!"

"Probably back in the classroom by now." I say. "I'll take you there, if you behave." I glare up at Haru, who smiles back. We start down the hallway, Haru's arm still wrapped around my shoulder and Momiji's hand- for some reason- on my own. I probably look like his nanny or something like this.

"Hey Babe?"

"I'm not your babe- What Haru?" He looks down at me like he wants to say something, but Momiji cuts him off by slipping away.

"Hello! Tohru!!" I look away from Haru, towards the kid running down the hall towards Tohru and Kyo.

Kyo knocks Momiji on the top of his head, knocking him onto the floor like a rag doll. "Are you crazy?!" He's strangling Momiji now, while Tohru tries to pull him off. "What am I supposed to do? Look at what he's wearing!"

"I don't see anything wrong with it." I frown, walking up with Haru.

"Kyo! Why do you have to be such a meanie!?"

"Meanie." Haru and I nod.

"Look around! You do realize you're wearing a girls uniform, right?! Even this wannabe play boy put on the right jacket!" He looks at Haru, then pulls me out of his grasp on my shoulders. "And get your scummy hands off of her!"

"If he likes it, then what's the problem?" Haru sighed. "You think it's cute, right babe?"

"I think he looks just fine." I frown. "And-"

"Isn't it so cute?!" Momiji asked, grinning widely.

Kyo sighed heavily beside me, muttering to himself. I turn away from him to see Haru holding his hands out wide. Yuki is trudging up the stairs, and by the looks of it, extremely exhausted.

"Looks like being the prince really took a toll on him." I giggle.

"Seriously? I can't believe that's what you're wearing Momiji!" He groaned, and I tossed my hands up in the air frustratedly. "And you- you know better."

"If you guys are gonna harass them, I might as well join them. I think this uniform is awfully drab." I start untying my collar.

Kyo grabs my hands and tugs them away, hurriedly tying it back up. "Absolutely not."

"Why?" I pout. "If they can do it, so can I." I bring my hands back up, a smirk playing at my mouth. "Is something wrong?"

Kyo shakes his head and turns away from me, back to Momiji. "Oh yeah! Did I tell you? Earlier! Before School, I got warned not to mess around. After all, if I crash into a girl, I might change in front of them! So instead I'm going to play it cool while I'm here!"

"This is you playing it cool?! Dressed like that?!" Kyo shouts.

I hear the annoying voice of a certain- student council president Makato. "Another idiot." Haru whispers in my ear.

I nod. "One of the biggest around." I step away as Makato starts berating Haru for his hair. Iwatch for a bit before leaning up, whispering into Haru's ear. "Go dark. Show him proof-" The president moves onto Momiji, shouting about masculinity.

"Shut up." Haru grins, going dark as I suggested. "I thought I had shit on my shoe, but you're what I've been smelling. Why don't I ask you some questions now? You think wearing a tie means you're not a bully? Or no one's ever been mugged by a guy not wearing jewelry? That people with one hair color can't murder a man? Just who the hell do you think you are? God or something?" He starts shouting. "Oh what happened?! Where's your righteous fury? Lost your voice?!"

"Stop it! You can tell he's got no fight training!" Kyo exclaims, and I'm almost surprised he's looking out for the president.

"You stay out of this you stupid cat!!"

"Don't start with me! You idiot!" I watch as the fight between Haru and Makato slowly turns into a fight between Haru and Kyo.

"Why didn't I expect that?" I mutter.

"Because you're just as dumb as those two sometimes." Yuki responds, earning a glare from me.

"Haru, more important matter at hand!" I shout.

"Oh right. Thanks babe." He turns back to the president, a nice facade across his still relatively dark features. He turns to the president's girls this time, and I sigh.

Not exactly what I meant, but I'm sure it'll get the idea across. I grab Kyo's arm and pull him back into our group. "Just let him do his thing." I laugh.

"You're the one who started this!" He argued. "You should stop him!"

"I'm not doing that. The president is an idiot." I smile. "And Haru's just as much of an idiot. Watch-" I point to Haru, who is dragging the president to the bathroom. A few moments later, we hear a scream, and the president walks back out, shellshocked.

"He didn't."

"He did." Yuki and I nod. The president runs away, and Haru returns to us, wrapping his arm around me again.

"Uhm-" Tohru turns to Haru. "So how did you prove that was your real hair colour in the bathroom?"

I bust out laughing, doubling over to clutch my stomach. "Why'd you ask!?"

"Easy-" Haru holds her chin. "If you'd like, I'd be happy to show you as well. Don't you worry! No hugging is necessary! Right babe?" He looks down at me, but I'm too busy laughing to scold him. Instead, Kyo and Yuki pound him into the ground beside me.

I stand up, wiping a few stray tears from my eyes as I try to compose myself. "Haru, if you ever get a girl to do that with you, let me know. We'll throw you a party." I laugh, turning to Tohru. "Don't worry about him."

"I'm- confused." She frowns.

"It's nothing." The bell rings. "Tohru, are you coming?"

She and Momiji exchange a few words. "Question! Would you be willing to meet some of my friends before you go home today?"

"You really mean it?!" He gasps. "Ja! Of course I would! Oh ja! I need to talk to Yuki and Kyo! Could you two stay behind? It would be real quick!" He turns to me. "Bye Tohru, bye Sato!"

I nod, grabbing Tohru's wrist. "We'll see you guys soon. Bye!" I pull her down the hall and around the corner.

"I still don't get what Hatsuharu did.." She mumbled, looking at me as we walked.

"It's nothing. Just a little uh- Sohma trick." I giggle. "You want Momiji and Haru to meet Arisa and Saki?"

"Yeah! I think it would be fun!" We head down the stairs into the courtyard. "Whew- that was kind of a lot! If it's going to be like this in the hallways everyday, Kyo and Yuki are going to get worn out in no time!"

"Yeah! Maybe they'll stop fighting and-"

"You look like you're having fun."
Word Count: 1288 Words

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