9- Valentine's Day Debacle Pt.1

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My body seized, jolting me awake from a bad dream I had been having. The sun was just rising over the tops of the trees when I left my room, still in my pajamas and slippers. It didn't seem like anyone was awake yet, so I set out to make tea. Tomorrow was Valentine's day, which I normally spent hiding away in Hatori's office because the idea of the day made me nervous. So many girls crowding the Sohmas was a recipe for disaster, and I didn't want to watch when someone slipped up and the secret got out. I sat at the counter with my tea, watching the woods behind the house. Tohru asked me to go to school with her today, just to make everyone feel a little more at ease. I agreed, mostly because Shigure said that because of my martial art skills, I would be the only one able to fend the girls off if they got too close. Stupid Shigure. This whole thing could be avoided if none of us went to school today. But Kagura would probably figure out everyone was home and come running to her dear Kyo. And I would have to sit with my seething rage as she could hug him and I couldn't.

"Good Morning-" Shigure's voice piped up from behind me. "Why are we so grumpy today?"

I grunted, shrugging in his general direction.

"Alright." He sighed and sat down in front of the TV. It was silent in the house other than the sounds of the broadcasters on the news channel. "Are you going to confess your undying attraction to him today?" He asked, but I could hear the tease in his voice.

"Piss off." I muttered, laying my head down on the counter. "You know I can't do that."

"Do what?" This time it was Tohru's voice.

"Nothing." I sighed, turning to face her. "Good morning."

"Good Morning!" She cheered. "What would you guys like for breakfast?"

"Soup!" Shigure spoke up. "I want breakfast soup!"

A few minutes later we were all sitting around the table eating our breakfast. "Thanks for the soup Tohru, it's divine!" Shigure said around a loud slurp of noodles.

"Eat quietly you animal." I smacked his arm.

"I'm so glad you like it!" She smiled.

"Just one more way you've changed things! We never ate breakfast when it was just the three of us!"

"Hello Kyo! Good morning!" Tohru said and I turned to look at him. He had his back turned to us as he rummaged through the fridge.

"Hey! Come and eat!" Shigure said, but he ignored it and closed the fridge with the carton of milk.

"Don't you want breakfast?"

"Not hungry."

Yuki sighed. "He can starve if he wants to."

I rolled my eyes and slumped against the table. "Let him starve, I say."

"Jeez, you really are a grumpy gus this morning." Shigure poked me with a chopstick. "Maybe we should have just sent you to the estate today. Don't go killing anyone at school, even on accident."

I huffed. "Whatever." Today was going to be a long day.

"I wonder what's wrong.." Tohru whispered, and I looked at her. She looked worried, but I don't think the rest of us cared enough to be worried about him ourselves.

"Just ignore him." I hummed and stood up. "I'm heading to school."


"Huh." Uotani pulled open Yuki's locker, revealing a single chocolate present. "That's a let down.. I thought the prince's locker would be filled to bursting."

I looked inside. "Just the one. Looks like you aren't as special as we all thought huh?" I teased, casting a grin to him.

"I believe I know what happened!" Hana said, looking at me. "What we have here is a clear case of the cuckoo phenomenon."

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