6- Culture Day Festival

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"Wake up!! It's time for the Culture Day Festival!" I shouted, throwing my uniform on quickly. "Time to get up!"

"You seem a little too cheerful this morning." Yuki groaned, sticking his head out of his room. "It's too early to have that much energy."

"But Yuki! This day only comes once a year! We have to be there early to set up!" I smiled, wrapping an arm around Tohru's shoulder. "Tohru! Let's go downstairs and make a yummy breakfast for the boys!"

"Would you shut up!?" Kyo shouted from somewhere down the hall. "Even I'm pissed about how loud you're being!"

"Shut up you cat!"

"Fuck you!"

"Lets go Tohru!" I raced down the stairs two at a time until I reached the kitchen. "We have everything prepared right?"

"Yes! Oh I'm so excited for today!" She smiled, opening the fridge. "Do you think I'll meet any new zodiac members today?"

I grinned. "Maybe! That would be a great addition to today." Yes, she would meet some new members today. Hatori and Momiji were coming to the school today, which no one but Shigure and I knew. Kyo and Yuki would probably cause an issue, so I figured it might be fun to get them riled up a bit this morning and get some of their energy out before Momiji came jumping around.

"Why Sato, good morning!" Shigure smirked at me. "Tohru, it's good to see you both up and about so early on in the day!"

"Good Morning Shigure-san!" Tohru smiled. I grabbed the kettle and set it on the stove, letting the water heat up.

"Good morning." I sat down at the table beside him and turned on the television. "How do you think they're gonna react?"

"I think it'll be a very fun day." He shrugged. "Hatori's gonna play a little prank on them, but Momiji might be a bit of a handful. Keep a tight leash on him and Kyo so they don't start fighting."

I rolled my eyes. "I wish there was just one day where we could go without a fight!" I sighed, listening as someone was thrown across the room upstairs. "But it's in his nature I guess."


"Oh man, these are selling like crazy! This was such a good idea!" One of my classmates manning the booth said after selling some of the last of the rice balls.

"Well, Tohru spent a long time making them, so I'd hope they sold out! Tohru does such a great job and makes them so well!" I laugh, pulling out a stack of rice ball boxes. "And they're so cute! Look Kyo, a cat shaped rice ball!"

He glanced at me uncomfortably. "This feels wrong. Is this cannibalism?" Which earned him a loud laugh from Tohru and I.

"And look-" I nudged him. "Yuki's in a dress. I haven't seen him wear a dress in forever!"

"Yeah, he looks stupid!" Kyo chuckled, biting into his rice ball. "Like a really ugly girl."

I nodded. "Yes, well, I think that's one of Ayame's designs, come to think of it. I wonder why yuki's wearing it." I turned to Tohru. "Doesn't he look so cute?" I said sarcastically.

"Very! But I feel kind of bad that the class made him dress up when he clearly doesn't enjoy it." She said worriedly.

"Nah! That's what makes it all the better!" I laughed, pulling out my camera. "We've gotta get a memento of the occasion!"

"He won't look at me! I hope I didn't offend him somehow!" She moaned, looking up at me.

"Nah, just ignore him. He gets really insecure about his face sometimes. Cause it's so pretty!" Kyo cackled.

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