57- Memories

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  I bit my lip nervously, standing outside the door to dads office.  He was having a quick meeting with Kyo about our teacher conferences, but I had something else on my mind that I wanted to speak to dad about.  I stared at the little table he had set up right outside his door, where a baby photo of myself and a photo of Kyo, Dad and I sat.  It seemed so long ago that I was just a little kid, not buried with the burden and fear of Akito and the curse.

  “Sato.”  I jumped in the air, scared by the sudden appearance of Dad and Kyo.

  “Yes!”  I exclaimed.  “Are you both done?”

  Kyo eyed me for a moment and nodded.  “Yeah.”

  “So everything is taken care of?”  I tried to stop my racing heart, that was only picking up pace at the nearing conversation.  “You’ll be attending both of our conferences?”

  “I will.  Kyo and I hammered everything out.”  Dad smiled.  “Now why don’t you come in sweetheart?  I can tell you have something on your mind.”

  I nodded weakly, giving Kyo a quick glance as I passed him.  He stared daggers into my side, obviously not content with my dismissal or nervous demeanor.

  “Kyo, why don’t you go practice with Kunumitsu some?”  Dad asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.  “I’ll send Sato out when we’re done.”  Kyo gave a low huff and headed out of the room.  Dad shut the door behind us and I took a seat in his desk chair.  “Now what’s wrong sweetheart?”

  “I-”  I took a shallow breath.  “I was just thinking-”

  “You do a lot of thinking love, what is it this time?”  He spoke softly, kneeling in front of me.

  “I was thinking about mom.”  I whispered, turning my head in embarrassment.  “That’s all.”

  Dad’s breath hitched for a beat, before he sighed.  “My sweet girl-”  He said softly, putting his hand on my knee.  “Tell me everything.”

  “Well-”  I glanced down at him.  “With everything that’s going on; planning for the future, trying to break the curse; I got to thinking about her.”  I curled my knees up to my chest.  “I know I shouldn’t feel upset that she’s not around when some of our family has neither of their parents, but- it just seems like I should at least know about her if she’s still alive.  It’s the least I could do.”

  Dad stood up, hooking his arms behind his back as he padded towards the window.  “You are so much like her Sato-”  He said, staring out at the garden behind the dojo.  “She was more determined than anyone I know.  And you look just like she did when she was younger.”

  “I do?”  I sat a little straighter as he made his way back to the desk.

  He pulled the top desk drawer open beside me and pushed around a few papers, producing a small wooden picture frame.  He handed it to me, his eyes gentle.  “That’s her.”

  I took a look at the women, running my fingers along the dusty glass.  Sure enough, she had the same stringy blonde curls and fair skin as me, and soft familiar Hazel eyes stared back at me, crinkled in a smile.  I smiled, a few tears leaking and landing on the glass, creating trail marks.  “Can I keep this?”  I asked softly, continuing to stare at it.

  Dad laughed lightly.  “Of course my sweet girl.”

  I looked up at him.  “She still lives on the estate, right?”  I asked.

  “Yes.”  Dad nodded.  Akito saw it far too dangerous for her to leave the property, just in case she regained her memories.”

  I let out a deep breath and stood up.  “I want to go see her.”  I said, staring at him.

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