78- Whatever You Want

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Hatori was quiet the entire way to the estate, his eyes glued to the road. Shigure sat beside him, humming a little tune to himself. A million thoughts ran through my head as we drove, and I couldn't help but make myself extremely anxious.

What if Akito already decided to erase my memories? If this was all for show, would I even get a choice?

By the time we pulled through the gates of the estate, I was a nervous, shaking mess. My skin felt cold, but my hands were hot and clammy with sweat.

"Sato." Hatori started, turning back to face me before I had a chance to open the car door. "Whatever happens in there, defend yourself. I honestly don't think that Akito has enough fight left in them to do anything to you. They're afraid of you."

"You think?" I asked, my eyes narrowing.

"You are one of the biggest threats to the curse. And being family- you've betrayed them time and time again. They're angry, but more so scared."

"People do a lot of bad things when they're scared." I noted, hanging my head. "I'm really really nervous Ha-chan."

"You have every right to be. You're facing the thing that scares you the most, and I applaud you greatly for that." He smiled gently. "If you get nervous, just look at me. "

"Thank you." I nodded, opening the car door. We both go out, shutting our doors in unison.

I looked up at the main house, noting all the lights were off, and no maids milled about, unlike normal. Akito always had some sort of person to look out for them, a helpless child. "Scary."

Hatori grunted in agreement. "Lets head inside. They don't like waiting."

We made our way down a hall to Akito's room, which I'd only been in once, years ago. After the attack, I tried my best to avoid the main house all together.

Shigure knocked on the door. "Akito, We brought Sato with us."

"Excellent. Bring her in."

Cue nervous sweats as the door slid open, revealing the head of the family, shrouded in darkness. The stood in the middle of the room, a creepy grin on their face. "Sato! Nice to see you." They smiled, eyes unfriendly. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

I nodded, to afraid to say anything.

"Oh come now, is that anyway to treat someone that cares for you?" They hissed, taking a step forward.

Hatori nudged my back and I stiffened, nodding again. "It's good to see you Akito. Thank you for allowing me to visit."

"I'm so glad there's no negative air between us, wouldn't you say? Sato?" They paused. "Oh wait. I think I remember a little bitch talking back to me on more than one occasion." They giggled loudly. "You remember that, don't you?"

"So this is about the beach house?" I asked, sighing. "I'm so sorry." Better to keep on their good side for now.

"Oh you should be. Do you realize how embarrassing it is to be slapped?" They spat, raising a hand to their cheek. "Hatori hit me after I showed up that night."

What? I never knew about that. I turned to look at Hatori, who had made his way towards Akito's side. "Why?"

Hatori sighed. "It was completely immature, and I apologized right after. I was extremely upset to see you hurt."

"He said I was acting out of line. I don't think I was though. That Tohru girl needs to be taught a lesson."

"Leave her out of this!" I spat, throwing my hands over my mouth when I realized what I did. "I'm sorry- please forgive me."

"Well- playing hero again are we?" Akito cackled. "Didn't work out to well for you the first time, huh? Yet you still keep trying to defy me."

They were talking about the first time- when I tried to defend Hatori for wanting to spend time with me instead of Akito.

"I was a kid!" I exclaimed, almost all semblance of nerves gone. "Please. Tell me what this is all about, Akito."

Shigure let out a sharp breath behind me, but I looked them head on.

"I'm sure Hatori told you already, but if you don't agree to my terms, you will lose all your memories of the Sohma family. Including your precious monster, Kyo."

"I'll do whatever you want." I sighed, clenching my teeth so hard it hurt. "Just don't hurt my family."

"Good. Now listen up."

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