31- Welcome Back!

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"I envy you all! It's almost summer break huh?" Shigure fanned himself at the end of the table while I gave my attention to some unfinished school work on the floor beside him. "Once you're an adult, having summer break is just a pipe dream!"

I rolled my eyes and set down my pencil. "Like you do any work anyways. Your entire life is a break Shigure." I said, turning to look up at him. "Cause you're lazy."

"Yeah, quit whining. You're on break all year long." Kyo grumbled around a bite of rice.

"Nope! Not true! That's completely different from the summer break society accepts!"  Shigure explained, not making one bit of sense to anyone in the room. "You'll understand all too well once you start working!"

"You're an idiot." I sighed, getting up on my knees to sit at the table. "Start making sense."

"You hang around Hatori too much! He's rubbing off on you!" Shigure whined, shaking his fan violently in front of my face.

"However-" Tohru spoke up, thankfully cutting off the whining dog from continuing. "I think we'll have a lot of homework over break."

"We'll what-" I jumped up, grabbing her face in my hands. "Homework!? Over break!?"

"Yeah! I'll have to work hard!" She cheered as I sunk to the ground unhappily.

"How can you be so positive about it?" I wondered aloud, holding my knees to my chest. "It's homework."

"Tohru-kun, you seem so worried! So let me give you a piece of advice!" I groaned, knowing he would say something completely stupid to her. "Just be like Sato and copy our perfect and brilliant Yuki-kun's homework!"

"I could never do such a thing!"

"I do not copy his!" I protested. "I'm a good student!"

"Yeah! She uses mine!" Kyo argued, making me sulk in defeat. "And who're you calling perfect and brilliant? He's just lame-"

Yuki sent Kyo sailing out the front door with a kick. "Better than being an idiot." He said, smoothing down the front of his barely ruffled uniform.

I rolled my eyes again, shoving my most likely incorrect homework back into my book bag with a sigh. "It'll take more than that to kill him-" I assured Tohru, standing up as Kyo got back up. "See? He's fine."

"Let's see you take a kick that far!" Kyo shouted, shaking his fist at me.

"I have. Many times." I deadpanned. "I'm heading out, since you three-" I pointed at the boys, purposefully excluding the quiet Tohru. "Are being loud." I walked away as the two started arguing at each other. I slipped on my shoes and headed out the front door, sighing happily at the warm sun.

It had been wickedly hot for the last few weeks, and Yuki and I didn't really enjoy hot weather as much as Tohru or the others did. So the spring-like warmth was a welcomed sight on a day like today.

"You're leaving early-" Yuki said, sliding the door shut and adjusting his uniform one last time.

"You too." I acknowledged, tilting my head up to feel the sun on my face.

"Student council business." He sighed heavily. "President Takei wanted me to come in early."

Kyo slid open the door, his eye catching the back of Yuki's head. "I should get going. I'll see you at school."

"What was that about?" Kyo asked, watching as Yuki started down the stairs.

"Dunno-" I shrugged, stepping in front of him to fix his tie. "Where's Tohru?"

"She's coming later apparently." He said as I finished up. "Why are you leaving so early?"

I slipped an arm through his and shrugged once again. "You guys can get really annoying sometimes." I smiled, stepping down the stairwell to the road.

"It's that damn rats fault." He groaned.

I grunted in amusement and turned to look up at him. He smiled and nudged my hip gently, which I did in return along with my own smile.

We crossed the bridge over the creek and stepped out onto the quiet road in silence. Usually the four of us would walk together, but Yuki was heading in early and Tohru would be catching up with us a bit later, so it was just the two of us for once in a long while.

"Do we have any plans for the summer?" I asked, looking up at the brilliant blue sky.

Kyo was quiet for a moment, then shrugged. "Tohru want's to go to the beach, and I assume we'll end up tagging along."

"The beach?" I hummed. "I suppose that does sound like fun. We haven't been to the ocean in a while, have we?" I tried to think back to the last time I'd even seen real sand, but frankly it had been so long ago I couldn't remember. "Dad wants us to bring Tohru over for lunch sometime, I was thinking we go tomorrow or over the weekend?"

"Well, I guess there's no getting out of that, is there?" He frowned and I shook my head. "What about you? Do you have anything special planned?"

"Well-" I sighed. "I need to go see Rin at some point. It's been months since I last saw her and we've only talked on the phone a little bit. I was going to see if Haru wanted to go, seeing as they are dating."

Kyo grunted loudly. "Those two are inseparable, he's probably seen her everyday since she was admitted."

"You say that like being inseparable is a bad thing-" I accused, crossing my arms to look up at him. "You act like we're any different."

"Hey! We aren't dating! That's the difference!" He shouted, grabbing my shoulder. "I mean- There's nothing wrong with being-" He sighed in defeat as I laughed. "Whatever-"

"I was just teasing you." I smiled, grabbing his hand. "You get so defensive!" I enlocked my hand with his and swung it between us lazily as we walked.

I teased him the rest of the way to school, making him redder and redder with each jab. When we arrived, Arisa and Saki were already standing outside waiting for us. I ran up to them, pulling Kyo alongside me.

"What's with Carrot top?" Arisa asked, a smirk on her face. "He's as red as a tomato."

I stepped up to one of the cobble fenceposts, hopping up onto it so I could sit. "I only teased him a bit!"

"A bit!?" Kyo grumped, leaning against the front of my legs with his arms crossed. "You're such an ass!"

"Ah-" Arisa said, stepping up beside Saki. "I get what's going on!"

"As do I." Saki agreed.

"A lovers Quarrel." The said simultaneously, extremely sure of themselves.

  I choked, nearly falling off the fence post at their accusation.  "No way!"  I spluttered, trying to stable myself.

"Carrot Top, why're you fighting with our poor Sato?" Arisa asked, leaning up beside my post.

"We aren't fighting." I laughed. "He's just being big baby."

"Yeah! Why're you always blaming me Blondie!?" Kyo asked, getting up in Arisa's face.

I sighed in amusement and Saki and I watched as the two went at each others throats for at least the tenth time this week.

"And I'm to assume there was no lover's quarrel?" Saki asked, turning to me accusingly.

I smacked her arm gently and stuck my tongue out. "Of course! We're not dating, therefore, no lovers quarrel." 

"Of course not. I guess my waves must have been mistaken."
Word Count: 1255 Words

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