75 - Cat House

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  "So-"  I started.

  "Don't cry!"


  "Nevermind-"  I sighed, leaning back on my hands beside Haru.  "Stubborn girlfriend you got there bud."

  "I don't often hear you shouting like that, Isuzu."  Dad laughed, making his way into the room with some tea.  "Did your friends' visit put you in high spirits?"

  "Hey dad."  I waved, watching as Rin attacked Tohru once again.

  "They get along so well, don't they?"  He chuckled, sitting down beside me.  "Hello my sweet girl.  How have you been?  I haven't seen much of you in the last few days."

  "I'm good!"  I smiled, moving over to make room for him to sit.

  "That's good to hear.  How's Kyo been doing?  Up to any trouble?"

  "Surprisingly not.  I think all our scolding has gotten through to him."  

  "That's good."  Dad smiled.  "Ladies, if you're going to play, please do it outside."  He spoke, in direction of Tohru and Isuzu, who were still in the midst of their little stare off.

  "Will she be staying here?"  Yuki asked, taking a cup of tea.

  "Yes.  She doesn't like the idea of a hospital or the main estate."

  "She was locked up, wasn't she?  By Akito?"

  I thought about the day the two older Zodiac found her in the cats cottage, and cringed, biting into my rice ball.

  "She says she doesn't want us to tell Honda-san or Sato.  However, she doesn't know that Sato already knows."

  "I'd like to keep it that way, I don't want her to worry any more than she already does."  I sighed.  "She's always been the worst worrier."

  "That's true."  Haru agreed.  "And she's scared of having anything more to do with Akito.  I don't want Akito involved with her, either."

  "By the way, Hatsuharu, where was Isuzu being held?"  Dad asked solemnly.

  Haru looked at me silently for a moment, and I nodded, standing up.  "I'm going to go join the girls.  You three continue talking."

  I started off towards Tohru and Rin, who were wandering around the yard.

  Truth be told- I didn't like to admit out loud that Rin was locked up in the cottage where Kyo would have to spend the rest of his life.  Haru knew that, and for that I thanked him.  

  "Hey."  I started, wandering up beside Rin.  "Whatcha two doing?"

  "Look Sato!  Baby birds!"  Tohru exclaimed, pointing up at a maple tree.  "Aren't they so cute?"

  "Wow!"  I replied, narrowing my eyes to look up at them.  "Adorable!  Y'know, they must be looking for Kureno!" 

  "Do birds still come to him?"  Tohru asked, cocking her head. 

  "Well-"  I paused.  "Good question."

  "What are you talking about?"  Rin asked, looking down at me.

  "Kureno is the year of the rooster!"  I explained.  "All types of birds come to him!"

  "Ah-"  She nodded, turning back to look at the birds.  "Yeah."

  "Sato!"  I turned around at the sound of dad's voice, and immediately dreaded the conversation that was about to happen.

  "Coming."  I sighed, turning to the other two.  "I'll be right back."

  "Take your time!"  Tohru chipped.  "We'll be here when you get back!"

  "Of course, thank you."  I smiled, and started back up to the house.

  "Sato, could you come help me prepare some lunch for everyone?"  Dad asked, his voice that falsely sweet tone he used whenever he was mad or wanted something from me.

  "Yeah."  I nodded, taking a deep breath.

  "Thank you."  He smiled, putting his hand on my shoulder.

  I started for the kitchen, listening for the pad of his footsteps behind me.  As we approached, he cleared his throat quietly.


  "I know."

  "I understand it's difficult-"

  "Dad, it's really not."  I sighed, looking over at the stovetop.  "I promise it's not that."

  "Sato.  Look at me."

  I stopped what I was doing and sighed, looking him in the eyes.  "She was locked in the place that-"

  "That Kyo was going to go-"  My voice broke a little at the end, but I snuffed it up and shook my head.  "She's okay now, Dad."

  "Are you sure you're alright though?  Sweetheart, I worry about you.  You put so much pressure on keeping a tough outer shell, I'm worried your emotions just keep getting pushed further and further back."

  Bingo.  "No, I'm alright.  I'm alright, Rin is alright, we're all alright.  And guess what, I think the curse is going to break soon.  So I'm putting my hope on that."

  "That's what i'm afraid of."  He sighed.  "Just because Kureno-"

  "It's not just Kureno-"  I stared at him.  "There's others- well- another."

  "There is?"  He paused.  "Who?"

  "Dad, I love you, but I I'm going to keep a secret I was entrusted with."  I answered.  "Just for now.  Okay?  Please don't worry about me, right now I'm really feeling good."

  "Good.  I just love you, I need to make sure that you're doing alright."  He smiled.  "Now, how about that lunch?"

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