12- Hot Spring Adventures

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  "I still can't believe the two of you planned this."  Kyo pouted beside me.  We were on the bus, heading out to the family hot spring.

  "You said you wanted to go somewhere."  I retorted.  "So I chose here."

  "I meant just us!"

  "That's not fair!"  Momiji's head popped up over the seat.  "You can't keep Sato all to yourself!"  He grinned at me.  "Kyo-kun's got heart eyes this morning!"

  "What?"  I asked, staring down the excited hopping boy.

  "Heart eyes!  Heart eyes!"  He sang, poking Kyo in the face.

  "I don't have heart eyes!"

  "Yeah huh!"

  "No I don't!"

  I shook my head.  "Guys, get along.  Look, we're here."  I pointed out the window, getting them to be quiet.  We filed off the bus, standing at the beginning of the path to the spring.

  "I don't have heart eyes."  Kyo pouted at me, crossing his arms.

  "I don't even know what that means-"

  "When you look at someone you love!  You get heart eyes!"  Momiji grabbed my arm.  "You have heart eyes sometimes too!"

  I blushed, frantically shaking him off.  "I do not!  You be quiet right now you damn rabbit!"

  He skipped over to Tohru, who was admiring the spring, and Yuki, who was doing his best to ignore our bickering.

  "I don't have heart eyes."  Kyo and I said at the exact same time, and I looked away.

  "Whatever."  I scoffed.  "Lets just go inside."  I followed the rest of the group, tugging Kyo behind me by his wrist.

  We were met by Ritsu's mom, who gave Tohru quite a fright with her nervous appearance in the doorway.

  "You get to room with Tohru!"  Momiji said, reattaching himself to my arm.  "But- I wanna sleep with Tohru..."  He frowned.  "I know!  You can sleep with Kyo and Yuki, and i'll sleep with Tohru!"

  "What!?  No way!"  Kyo shouted, budging his way in front of the boy.  "You can't just sleep with a girl like that!"

  "Poo~  I would have thought you would want to sleep with Sato!"  Momiji frowned, earning a smack on the back of the head by me.

  "It's improper for a boy and a girl to sleep together."  I scold, earning nods from everyone else in the room.  "You'll be sleeping with the boys, and us girls-"  I grab Tohru's arm.  "Will take the other room."  I tug her down the hall to the second room, ignoring Momiji's cries about sleeping with Tohru.

  "Are you alright?"  Tohru asked as I slammed open the bedroom door.

  "Peachy."  I sigh, flopping down on the bed.  "We can't let Momiji say whatever he wants cause he's "adorable".  He'll think he's allowed to do whatever he wants."

  "I think he's sweet!  Thinking of you and Kyo's feelings-"

  "There's no feelings!"  I snap, a little harsher than I meant to.  "Sorry.  There's uh- no feelings."

  "Really?"  She frowned.  "I would have thought-"

  "No."  I grab her present.  "Here, this is for the valentine's chocolate."

  "Oh you didn't have to!!"  She exclaimed, but grabbed the bag with a smile.  "What is it?"

  I laugh.  "You've got to open it you goof!"

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