56- Always You

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“Dammit!  Why the hell did you have a growth spurt over break?!  Guys are so Lucky!  You shoot up like weeds!”  Arisa spat, flicking Kyo in the forehead.  I giggled at his mess on the floor and sat on one of the desks to watch her get angry.  It’d been too long since I’d seen the two fight, and needless to say, I was missing it.

  “Arisa, you’re pretty tall already.”  Saki put in, a playful energy in her glance.

  “I dream to be in the 180s!!”  Arisa shouted.

  “Dream on green bean.”  I laughed.

  “Quiet Pipsqueak!”

  “I see that you didn’t get any more womanly over break.  You’d better give up your womanhood!”  Kyo shouted bitterly.

  “Yeh.  I’m fine with that.  Maybe I should give it up.”  Arisa shrugged.  “I can’t even turn one man’s head anyway.”

  I shook my head with a laugh.  “You should really just give up now then Arisa.”

  “Like you can say any different!?”  She frowned, butting heads with me.  “You’re in the same boat as I am, so can it!”

  I gave a knowing smirk and nodded.  “Of course.  What was I thinking?  Shaming you when I can’t even get a man-”

  Kyo snickered on the ground beside me, making Arisa turn on me, shouting in anger to herself about beating someone up when she saw him next.  

Saki sighed, shaking her head.  “Take a good look, that’s what a woman in love looks like.”

  “You don’t look like you have the guts to do that.”  Kyo egged her rage on with a smirk.

  “Oh my, that’s strange for you to say-”  Saki mused. 

  “What- What do you mean!?”  Kyo exclaimed.  “Mind reader!?  Did you read my mind!?”

  “I can’t read minds with waves.  I just remembered something funny.”  Saki turned away with a tease in her eye.  “Lets just leave it there.”


  “Jeez-”  I sighed, flopping down against Arisa’s back after class.  “You two are already going at each others throats, someone might think you’re in love with each other.”

  “No way!!”  Arisa spat loudly.  “I would rather die than be in love with an idiot like him!!”

  “Yeah what the hell!?”  Kyo said, grabbing me by the shoulders.  “As if!”

  Arisa laughed, kicking back with her feet up on her desk.  “Someone might think you two are though with the way you fight.”

  “Yeah right-”  I frowned.  “As if.”  I sat down in Kyo’s now empty chair with a sigh.  “Kyon-Kyon, be a dear and tell Arisa I’d never be in love with you?”  I covered my hand with my mouth to suppress a laugh that threatened to come out of my mouth at the look on his face.

  “Yeah, Probably not-”  Arisa shrugged.  “Sato’s too good for someone like Carrot top anyway.  I could picture her with the prince.  Just a little bit though.”

  Kyo’s face screwed up in anger and he looked like he was about to punt her into the sun.  “Nah-”  I intervened, sending him a look.  “Too girly for me.  And besides, he’s too reserved to be romantic to anyone.”

  “That’s true.”  Saki spoke up from where she had been braiding Tohru’s hair.  “I don’t think either of them have much a chance with either of our girls.”

  “Well I think both Sohma-kun and Kyo-kun both have their own good traits!”  Tohru smiled.

  I laughed quietly and stood up.  “I’m going to the bathroom, anyone else need to come with?”  I gave Kyo a side glance.

  “You’re dumbass would probably fall down the stairs-”  Kyo sighed, standing up.

  “Great, that’s one-”  I glanced around.  “Anyone else?”  The others shook their heads.  “Alright, we’ll be back in a minute then.  Don’t have too much fun without us.”

  “I could say the same thing for you-”  Arisa tossed her head back to smile at me.

  “What’s that supposed to mean blondie!?”  Kyo shouted.

  I rolled my eyes and grabbed his sleeve, pulling him away from her.  “You’re really not helping your case any.”  I pointed out.  “She’s just going to keep instigating you if you keep giving her a reaction, so you might as well drop it.”

  “Ay!  Sato gets it!”  Arisa smiled.  “We’ll see ya when you get back.”

  I nodded and dragged a still seething Kyo out into the hallway.  “You get too angry-”  I looked up at him.

  “I do not!”  He crossed his arms.  “She’s the one causing problems!”

  “Right-”  I smiled.  “Well I think it’s time you calmed down a bit, maybe don’t look at her like you’re going to kill her any time she mentions Yuki.”

  “What am I supposed to do when she compares him to me?  And thinks that my girlfriend would be better suited with him?”

  My chest fluttered and I faught back a smile at his words.  “Ignore her?  That’s always a good option Kyon-Kyon.”

  “Ugh.”  He huffed.  “Everyone’s always comparing me to him.”  He sighed, hanging his head as we walked.  “Maybe it’s true he’s better suited for you, huh?”  He gave me a small sad glance, making my heart sink.

  “Of course he isn’t!”  I stopped, tugging him into an empty classroom.  “Yuki may have good qualities, but he's not the one I chose, is he?"

  He sat on a desk with a sigh.  "You could have- you probably wouldn't have to keep it a secret if you did."

  "I would be in more danger by Akito if I was with Yuki."  I smiled, standing between his legs.  "Besides.  You know I don't mind keeping this a secret.  It's always been you, and it'll probably be you that I love forever.  No remark from any one is going to change that."

  "I'm always being put down by others-"  He said softly, brushing a piece of hair out of my face.  "Most of our family, our friends, people I don't even know.  Except you.  It's always been you to build me back up-"

  "Hey."  I snapped.  "No getting emotional on me, got it loser?  I love you, you love me, got it?  I'm always going to be there for you.  Don't ever doubt me."

  "Heh- you're right."  He smiled.  "We should probably get back, right?  They'll probably think the worst if we don't return."

  "Eh-"  I shrugged.  "I don't mind."

  "You will."  He leaned down, kissing me gently.  "Let's get back to them, alright?"

  "Alright."  I kissed him back, taking his hand as we walked back to the classroom together.
Word Count: 1082 Words

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