81- I See You

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Akito held a vice grip on my arm once we were in the car, an eerie smile sitting on their face the entirety of the time. "This is great! I feel like we're bonding Sato. Don't you think so?"

I remained silent, looking down at my hands.

"I asked you a question." They said, squeezing my arm tighter.


"Good girl." They smiled, leaning back against the car seat with a sigh.

I took a moment to look at the head of the family beside me. They smiled, and their eyes drifted over to Shigure. His eyes were on the road, a silent but sullen look on his face. Now thinking back, it seemed as though Shigure had a soft spot for Akito. I wasn't sure if it was true, but he was always looking out for the other.

"Shigure?" I started, but watched his eyes slowly flick to me. They were glistening with fear.

"What?" The words came out in a whisper.

"Why do you do what they ask?" I felt Akito stiffen beside me, their hands clenching into fists. Newfound courage at their anger made my heart beat rapidly. "Akito is just a little kid."

"You brat." Akito hissed through their teeth. "You know that I was appointed as God! Me. Not you. Not Shigure. That is why he listens to me."

I bit my lip then sighed. "Akito. You don't leave the house, you're constantly sick, and I don't think I've ever seen someone weaker. Even Yuki, the damn rat is stronger than you. Frankly, it's embarrassing."

"Enough." Shigure snapped, reaching back to slap my arm. "We're almost to the house. I need to you act civilized when you head inside."

"Why the hell did I get roped into this?" I mumbled under my breath, earning an evil cackle from Akito.

"Remember. I can still lock up your monster at the end of all this. Don't test me."

I sighed heavily, turning to look out the window. I could see the mountain coming into view yet the house was dark. "Is anyone home?"

"Tohru Honda, if my assumptions are correct. My sweet Yuki, and the cat." Akito mused. They were fussing with a sleeve of their robes, as if stuffing something inside. "Once we're done here, they'll have no choice but to come back to me."

"I'm parking here." Shigure explained, shifting gears as we neared the small cafe Kyo and I ate at before.

Kyo. I felt my eyes beginning to prick up. Would he even understand what was going on? I didn't even know what was going on and yet here I was with the person I despised the most.

"We'll go on foot from here." Shigure messed with his suit jacket nervously, his eyes flicking back and forth between his sleeve and my eyes.

Akito was already heading towards the mountain. Before shigure or I could say something, they jumped across the small creek and began climbing the big dirt mound on their hands and knees.


"I told you Sato. I don't know what they're planning. They aren't themselves anymore. I'm just hoping I can get them back by assisting them in whatever they need. Thank you for the help."

"I'm scared Shi-chan." I reached for his hand. "What if something bad happens? I've learned to never trust Akito and here you are trying to get me to be their foot soldier!"

He didn't get a chance to answer as Yuki came running up to us. "Where the hell have you two been?"

"Out. I brought him home from the bar." I lied. "Sorry." It didn't even really make since but shigure seemed to go along with it seamlessly.

"Did you pass the idiot on your way?" Yuki turned to me.

"Idiot?" I thought for a moment. "I don't think so? You mean Kyo. Right?"

"Yes." Yuki paused. "He ran off looking for you."

"He did?!" I crept forward to look past him. "He must have gone the other direction. Did he say why?"

"I don't know all the details but- he's causing trouble again."

"Where's Tohru?" I asked, reaching out to grab Yuki's hand. "Once Kyo blows off some steam he'll be back. Let's just get inside out of the rain. Quickly." I thought about Akito scaling the mountain and shivered.

"She's back there. He made her cry." Yuki hissed lowly.

My eyebrow shot up, questioning his response. What did Kyo do that was so bad? We'd seen the worst of him, there wasn't anything that would shock Tohru into crying and make him run away.

"I don't know."

We made our way up the staircase towards the house, carefully evading raindrops with the umbrellas. Every step we took got us closer, but the path felt so long. I was afraid Akito would be there already, and the boys had left Tohru defenseless against a deranged lunatic seeking vengeance.


When we arrived at the top, everything was quiet. There were no voices, no animals- no life. The lights in the house were off, and Tohru was no where to be seen.

"Yuki, I thought you left her here?" I shouted down the path to him.

"I did!"

"Tohru!" I shouted, looking around the clearing. Some birds, frightened by the shouts flew away. Replacing them, the sound of Rustling leaves.

"I'll check inside. Hurry up." I shouted as they started the final ascent. The house was pitch black, not a single sign of anyone inside. I made my way up to Tohru's room, expecting to find her there.

"Tohru? I asked quietly. "Hey, it's Sato."

"Help!" Akito's voice pierced the air. "Someone! Anyone! Come quickly!"

No. "Akito?!" I shouted, running towards the window in the direction of the shouts. "God damn it Shigure! I knew this was a bad idea. Akito! Tohru? What happened?"

From the top floor I could see Akito emerge from the woods, absolutely sobbing and holding their face in the hands wailing. They slammed into Shigure, who glanced up at me before looking down at Akito, whose lips were moving.

I made my way downstairs joining them out on the lawn. Taking my place beside Yuki, I grabbed onto his arm to reassure him.

Akito was sniffling, holding onto Shigure tightly. Every word was a whisper, but i could make them out clearer than a bell. "Help her. She's- she's hurt."
Word Count: 1069 Words

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