27- Welcome Home

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  I watched my friends walk home from school by dad’s side, the two of us huddled under an umbrella together.  Dad’s watching them more closely than I am, mostly because I’m longingly looking at the bag of octopus that we purchased for Shigure to keep him from teasing anyone when we arrived at the house.  Dad looked down at me, smiling and reaching into the bag.  “I got you some so you’d be quiet.”  He laughed.  “But first you have to tell me something.”

  “Anything!”  My eyes widened at the sight of the box of Octopus.  “I’ll tell you anything you want!” 

  “That girl- is Tohru Honda right?”  He asked and I nodded.  “How does she fit in with the two boys?”

  “I think Tohru has been good for all of us, the boys especially.”  I said, snatching the box of food.  “They don’t fight as often as they used to- heck none of us fight as often as we used to.  It’s nice and peaceful most days, give or take the few ugly ones.  The house definitely thanks her for living there, it hasn’t been destroyed by the two in a while.”

  “I see.  What about you?  Do you like her living there?”  He asked.

  “Oh yeah!  I claimed her as my daughter now!”  I giggled.  “You’re a grandpa!”

  “At my age!?”  He cried.  “How dare you!”

  “Grandpa!  Grandpa!”  I teased, poking him in the cheek as he sobbed.  “Come on!  We’re gonna lose them if we don’t hurry up!”  I exclaimed, pulling him up off the ground.

  “You’re right.”  He coughed, brushing himself off.  “I don’t know what came over me.”  He held the umbrella over me as I ate my octopus, humming happily.


  I examined the missing door, sighing heavily.  “Okay, when I said the house hasn’t been destroyed I really did mean it.”  I complained, hoisting the bag of food I somehow convinced dad to buy me in my arms.  It was well into the late afternoon when we actually arrived at the house, even after it was me who didn’t want to be late or lose them.  We’d ended up spending a couple of hours just eating food for the fun of it.  “Well it takes the time necessary to open the door away from me.”  I giggled, turning to the side where I heard Tohru and Yuki coming from around the side of the house.  “Oh hey you guys!”  I wave around the mountain in my arms.

  “That is enough!”  I hear Kyo shouting from the stairwell, instantly knowing Kagura is with him.

  “Looks like we’re having a family meeting huh?”  I laugh.  “I’ll go inside and put this stuff away, you guys come inside when you’re done.”  I head inside and slip my shoes off, making a run for the kitchen.  I bite back a smile when I hear dad talking to Kyo and shove everything into the fridge.  

  “What’s got you in a giddy mood?”  Shigure asked, frowning at me.

  “Oh nothing.”  I laugh, settling down at the table.  “Just happy is all.”

  “I assume everything went well then?”  He asked, sitting down at the table beside me.  “Y’know, with Akito?”

  I turn my head to look at him.  “I wouldn’t say that- but I’m satisfied with how it turned out for now, yes.”  I nod, setting my chin in my hand.  “But I’m not allowed to tell you, specific orders!”  I teased.

  “What!?!”  He gasped.  “Now I need to know!!”  He whined.

  I shake my head.  “Nope, now get ready.  You’re gonna have a flood of people coming into the house right about-”  I listen for Kagura’s voice echoing in the doorway.  “Now.”  

  I see dad first, who greets Shigure pleasantly.  I smile at him, laying down on the floor on my stomach beside them as they sit and greet each other.  Tohru comes in and heads straight to the kitchen, barely noticing me until she trips over me.

  “Ah!  Sato!”  She cries, reaching down.  “I am so sorry!!”

  “It’s fine.”  I giggled.  “Are you making some tea?”

  “Ah yes!”  She rushed into the kitchen again, humming to herself as she made the tea.  I laugh watching her, a smile coming to dad’s face as she sets his tea down rather quickly in front of him.

  “Ah, thank you very much.”  He smiles at her, making her bow her head respectfully.

  I sit up, eyeing Kyo who sits in the corner.  “Oi!  Are you gonna stop being a little bitch and greet dad or what?”  I ask, glaring at him.  He glares back at me, obviously irked.  I turn away from him and look at Kagura, who started talking to dad eagerly.  I stood up, letting them all get acquainted with one another again as I headed upstairs.  Knowing Kyo, he’ll not want anyone to see him when he gets excited that dad is home.  So I figured I’d just wait for the two of them to come upstairs all grumpy like and then turn into happy go lucky monsters as soon as they came up.  I sat on his bed, sighing heavily.  Speaking of monsters- I still didn’t understand how Akito could view Kyo’s form as a monster.  He transformed just like everyone else, so why didn’t they view any of the other zodiacs as monsters?  His true form couldn’t be that bad, could it?  Something I would fear, or turn away from?  I pulled away, stopping to look out the window as I stood up.  Suddenly any thoughts in my head were brushed away when Kyo came storming in, followed shortly after by dad.  

  “Kyo, let’s talk.”  Dad said, shutting the door behind him.

  I crawled back on the bed and let them greet each other, smiling when Kyo went to land a punch on dad.  A massive smile broke out on Kyo's face, his voice breaking in emotion as he greeted dad as master.  I sighed and flopped down on the bed, giggling.

  “What’s so funny eh!?”  Kyo asked, leaning down in my face.

  “Nothin!”  I laughed.  “Just, we had the same reaction to seeing him again!”  I smiled, reaching up and tugging on a tuft of hair.  “Like father, like son.”

  “Tch-”  He turned away, the blush from my comment trailing down his neck as he tried to hide his embarrassment.  “Welcome back master!”

  Dad trailed around him and rubbed the top of Kyo’s head, wrapping me in a one armed hug.  “It’s good to be back.”
Word Count: 1085 Words

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