10- Valentine's Day Debacle Pt. 2

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"Tohru! Are you ready for your official valentine's day date with our precious Yuki!?" I asked, hopping down the stairs and into the entryway. What happened last night left me in an oddly good mood that transferred into this morning after a good sleep.

"Oh! Yes! I'm very excited for today!" She said happily, turning from where she was putting her jacket on.. "What will you be doing?"

I shrug, grabbing my slippers from beside the door. "I'll probably go to the estate or something."

Yuki brushed past me, pulling open the door to Shigure's office. "I'm not sure how long we'll be."

"Go! You kids enjoy yourselves! Who doesn't love a double date?!" He cheered, and I stepped inside the door. "Oh, one more thing Yuki! Don't be a cheapskate!"

I laughed loudly, smacking Shigure's arm. "It's Prince Yuki. He'll go absolutely ham on her." I whispered teasingly, hopefully just loud enough for Yuki to hear. "No splitting the bill, okay!?" I say stepping out into the hall. "Tohru, if he gets to be a stickler, just give him a good kicking for me!"

"Oh! A-Alright!" She said, unsure if my request was a joke or not.

I passed by her, making my way over to Kyo. "Today's the big day huh? Who woulda thought that you would ever actually go out on a date with Kagura!"

"What's got you in such a good mood this morning?" He asked, glaring uneasily up at me.

"Oh nothing!" I smirk. "Tohru, where's the chocolates again?"

"Are you sure you don't mind going to the main estate? I can probably just deliver the chocolates myself later!" She said, looking between me and Shigure.

"Worry not! I wasn't planning to eat them!" Shigure said in an attempt to reassure her.

"I'll smack him if he does, don't worry about it Tohru." I laugh. "Just go have fun on your little date, and all will be well."

When they left, I turned to Shigure. "You seem on edge today. More so than Kyo, and he's going on a date with Kagura."

He looked down at me. "Maybe that little stunt you pulled last night did something to ease his nerves huh?" He teased.

"What!? No! Definitely not!" I could feel my face growing red. "He just needed someone to make sure he was okay! So I did!"

"So you didn't, oh I don't know, kiss his forehead?" He asked, an eyebrow raised. "Like you were his wife happy to see him return home from a long day at work?"

"God, you really are some sappy author." I smacked his arm. "And I for sure, one-hundred percent did not do that. You're just seeing things again."

We headed into his office when a woman's voice came through the system. "Sensei, listen! I know you're screening my calls, and that's fine! But don't you dare run off before I get there!"

"Hmm. Interesting. So that's what she expects from me." He turned to me, winking. "It would be such a shame to disappoint her!"

"You love to torture her huh?" I asked. "Wow, some man you are. If we get back and she's on the door stoop crying, you owe me money."



"Special delivery! Valentine's chocolates from yours truly!" Shigure cheered.

Hatori grabbed my arm and pulled me inside, leaving Shigure outside. I cackled, leaning against the wall for support. "Have fun Shigure!" I shouted.

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