30- Family Time

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  Hello all my lovelies!  I felt weird with how I left this book and I miss writing it so much!  So I decided to write a special cute little chapter to fill in the space between the first season and when the second season finishes up!  Speaking of the second season, how many of you have been keeping up with all the episodes?  I am so so so excited and invested in the show and can't wait for the finale!!!!

"So I'm stuck there until I graduate?"  I asked, flicking some water at Kyo playfully before wiping my wet hands on the front of my apron.

  "It looks like poor Tohru could use some help around the house with all those boys."  Dad teased, resting a hand on my head.  "And I've never seen you two get along so well with each other.  Shigure must be a good influence on you!"

  "Not a chance."  Kyo and I said, slapping his arms away from us annoyedly.

  "Shigure does more bad than good."  I rolled my eyes, tugging my apron off and tossing it over the back of a chair.  I picked up a tray of sushi dad and Kyo were preparing- or rather, dad was watching while Kyo prepared it; and set it on the table overlooking the Sohma estate.

  "Bad or good, something in both of you has changed."  He clasped his hands together animatedly.  "I've never been more proud!"  He reached up and wiped a fake tear away from his eye, earning a smack upside the head from Kyo and a kick to the side from me.  "You two abuse me!"  Dad whined, feigning his injury and sitting down at the table.

  I sat beside him, Kyo to my left and him to my right.  "I will say one thing-"  I focused on breaking open my chopsticks, frowning when I broke one unevenly.  "I've never been happier."  I cast a cheeky smile at Kyo, who rolled his eyes and nudged me in the side. 

  "Is that so?"  Dad asked, casting a look at me and a wiggle of his brow.

  "Wha- hey!  I didn't mean anything by that!"  I cried, stuffing some food in my mouth.  "I have so many more friends at Kaibara than I had at the girls school!"

  Dad raised his brow, a wide smile coming to his face.  "Any boyfriends I should know about?  Any girls catch your eye Kyo?"

  "What!?"  We both cried, jumping up.  "Not a chance!"

  Dad laughed loudly, burying his face in his sleeve.  "There's no need to get defensive-"  He pointed at the two of us.  "Unless you're hiding something?"

  Curse him and his stupid dad instincts.  "No one's hiding anything."  I said, sitting back down. 

  In all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if he knew all about this stupid school girl crush I had on Kyo.  Dad's always been a hopeless romantic, no doubt Shigure's stupid books' fault; so I wouldn't put it past him to know everything about my feelings.

  "If you say so!"  He hummed, flicking on the TV.  "You know what would make an old man happy?  You two should invite Tohru over for lunch sometime!  I'd love to get to know our little peace maker some more!"

  I sighed, laying backward on the ground to stare up at the ceiling.  "I'm sure she would enjoy that-"  I turned my head to look at him.  "As long as you don't have any ulterior motives?"

  "Of course not!"  Dad gripped his heart.  "How could my own daughter think so lowely of me?!  I raised you!!"

  "You raised him too."  I pointed out, motioning to Kyo.  "We both think lowely of you sometimes."

  "It's true."  Kyo agreed, nodding.  He laid down beside me, flopping all of his limbs outwardly so I was being crushed by most of them.  "But I think lowely of both of you, so I wouldn't take it personally."

  "Hey wait a minute!"  I cried, struggling against his weight.  "I thought we were on the same side!"

  "Yeah, but its fun to make you mad."  He said, closing his eyes with a small smile on his face.

  I took a deep breath, silently cursing him for looking so hot so effortlessly.  "You're an ass."  I grumbled, crossing my arms and wrapping my legs around his leg so he couldn't move if he wanted to.

  His eyes snapped open, immidiately struggling to get out of my grasp.  I snickered, gripping ever so slightly tighter.  He rolles over, taking me with him as he fought against my grip.  We ended up wrestling, rolling around on the floor like we used to as kids, keeping enough distance between us so he wouldn't transform. 

  Dad laughed, and I pulled back.  Stupidly.  Kyo knocked me to the floor, jumping up and slamming a foot down on my stomach, claiming his victory.

  I pouted, crossing my arms childishly with my nose wrinkled.  "That was no fair."

  "I won fair and square, shut it."  Kyo laughed tugging me up by my crossed arms so I was standing in front of him. 

  I glared at him, turning around playfully.  Bad idea; I made eye contact with dad, who had to dopiest grin on his face.

  Kyo snickered behind me, laying his arms carefully around my shoulders.  I huffed, accepting the awkward hug.

  "I'm still mad."  I said, tossing a look over my shoulder.

  "Of course you are."  He stuck his tongue out, ruffling my hair and sitting back down.

  We sat in silence for a bit, just enjoying each others company.  I had been afraid that we wouldn't have moments like this between the three of us ever again.  In all honesty, after that night I didn't know what to expect.  I hadn't forgiven dad for what he had done, but I didn't hate him for it either.

  Kyo and I had a couple of days to think about what had gone down on that night as well.  I think it brought us a lot closer together, if that was even possible.  Even Tohru, who was probably one of most oblivious people I knew, pointed out that we'd become attached at the hip.

  Kyo didn't seem annoyed by it, although if Yuki mentioned it he would deny it and one more than one point end up in the koi pond trying to fight the 'dirty rat'.

  "What are you thinking about?"  Kyo asked, resting his arm on my shoulder like it was own personal arm rest; likewise drawing me out of my thoughts.

  "Nothing."  I smiled, pressing my cheek against his hand.  "I'm just thinking."
Word Count: 1108 Words

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