23- Getting Better

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It’s been three days since Kisa came to live with us for a while, and I can slowly see her starting to come out of her quiet shell.  She still doesn’t talk, and she clings to Tohru’s leg like a lost puppy- but it's there.  “She’s so cute!”  I squeal quietly, leaning across the table to watch her.  “I just wanna squeeze her!”

  “That’s a bit weird.”  Shigure chuckled.  “You could be friends with her too y’know.”

  “I don’t think she really wants that-”  I thought back to last night when I was waiting for Tohru to finish using the bath.  Kisa was sitting outside the door, waiting for Tohru.  She wouldn’t even look at me, and as soon as Tohru came out she ran to her and hid.  “Oh well.  I’ve got another little kitty cat.”  I squeeze the top of Kyo’s ear, his face growing red.

  “What’s that supposed to mean!?”  He shouted.

  I bat my lashes innocently.  “You could follow me around like a little ducky too y’know.  I wouldn’t mind.”  I giggled.  “Ew, I sounded like Kagura!”

  “That-”  Shigure laughed.  “Was repulsive.  I don’t ever want to witness that again.”

  “I agree.”  I laugh.  “That was disgusting.”

  “You’re the one who did it!”  Kyo shouted.

  “So?”  I shrugged.  “Your point?”

  “Maybe I’m missing something.”  He turned to the girls.  “Hey-”

  “One sec.  Kisa, is there anything special you’d like to eat?”  She didn’t answer.

  “Come on!  You could at least tell us what you like so you don’t starve!”  Kyo snapped.  

  I glared at him and Shigure shoved his head down.  “Quiet you!  Ignore everything this idiotic poor mannered fool says.  Trust me on this, it’s for the best.”  He laughed.

  “Hey you creep!  You’re heavy, get off of me!”  The two bickered in front of me, making me sigh.  

  I stood up and walked over to the girls, kneeling in front of Kisa.  “Why don’t we play a game!  Tohru?”

  “Yes!”  She grabbed a piece of paper and drew some lines on it.  “Let’s play this game!”

  “Ah, interesting you two!  We’ll leave dinner up to chance then!”

  “Yup!”  Tohru exclaimed.  I walked back over to the table and sat down while Tohru instructed Kisa on the rules.  “Kisa, why don’t you point to the route you want?”  She picked a route and Tohru can over and sat down beside me.  “What’re we gonna eat today, better be something good!  What’re we gonna eat today, better be something good!”  She sang, making me giggle into my shoulder.  “There!  We have a winner!  Dinner is-”

  “Scrambled eggs with Chives!  Oh boy!  Kisa you sure picked a good route!”  I laughed, smiling at her.  “Nice choice!”  I gave her a thumbs up and she smiled at me while Tohru apologized to Kyo for picking chives.


  “Ah!  Lunch time, my favourite time!”  I sang as Kyo and I headed to the lunch table with Arisa and Saki.  “Lunch time!  Lunch time!”

  “You get more and more annoying as the day goes on, don’t you.”  Kyo groaned.  “Let’s just eat and get home.  God only knows what that stupid dog of a man is doing right now.  Probably getting into no good trouble I bet.”

  “Probably.”  I shrugged.  “She’ll be fine though, I doubt he’d do anything to her, she’s too sweet.  Not to mention, eleven or something.”

  “What are you two love birds talking about?”  Arisa asked, turning around and walking backwards.

  “Huh!?”  I jumped.  “Nothing!  And don’t call us that!”  I shouted.  “You looking for a fight?!”

  “Nah, I’m just kidding with you two.  Come on, we don’t have much time to eat.”  She laughed.  “Ah, you should have seen your faces!  You two are hilarious.”

  I growled, jumping on her back.  “Take it back!  Take it back!”

  “You don’t scare me!”  She laughed.  “You weigh like a hundred pounds!”

  “A hundred pounds of pure rage!”  I shouted.  “Grr!” 

  She just shook her head.  “You keep telling yourself that.”

  “Tell her Kyo!”  I shouted.  “Tell her I’m scary!”

  “You shouldn’t underestimate her.  She pinned me against a wall the other night.”

  “Mm.  Hot.  I knew you two were love birds.”  She cackled.



  “Huh?  What is it?”  I asked, leaning over Kisa’s shoulder.  “A note?”

  “From her teacher.”  Haru nodded.  “What’s it say?”

  Kisa was quiet as she read, until Haru pulled it from her hands.  “Sohma, I hope you’re well.  Do you think you’ll be coming back to school soon?  I’m awaiting your return along with the rest of your classmates.  I want you to know you can always talk to me, and I think if you participate more in class you can be friends with everyone.”  He gritted his teeth and handed the paper to Yuki.

  “The most important thing you can learn is to love who you are.  Find something good about yourself and look to it when you’re feeling down.  If you hate yourself, how can others appreciate you?  Self love is the most important love we have.  I hope of all my lessons you remember this one.”

  “Well that was-”  I frowned.  “Interesting.”

  “I was right.”  Haru sighed.  “I wanna barf now.”

  “Kisa, I get it.  I’m the same as you.  There was a time when I stopped speaking.  For different reasons.  Regardless, I talked to no one.  And- I felt so embarrassed those days.  I truly hated myself.  I was so lost.  So- I’m not sure your teacher is actually right.”  Yuki said, looking up from the note.  “What does self love even mean?  How are supposed to go about trying to find something good about ourselves when we’re trapped in darkness?  The whole reason we despise ourselves, is because we can only see the parts we hate.  So forcing ourselves to find good things feels pointless.  Like we’d just be making them up.  It’s a nice sentiment, but that’s not how life works.  Instead, I think it’s when someone else says they love you that you're finally able to start loving yourself. When someone truly accepts who you are, that's when you can truly start to love yourself.  And suddenly see the good things you had, all along.”

  “Yes.”  I turned to look at Kisa, who was crying.  “You’re right.  Yes.  It made me glad.”  

  I smiled softly and stood up.  “I’ll leave you guys alone, alright?  It was nice to hear you speak Kisa.  I’d love to talk to you often, if you’d be willing.  Good night.”  I went inside and headed up stairs, pausing outside Kyo’s door.  If I told him I loved him, would he be able to love himself more?  Stop putting himself down and comparing himself to Yuki?  I sighed, leaning against the door.  I didn’t have the courage to do it.  I probably never would have the courage, but maybe once the curse was lifted I’d feel more at ease to do it.  I don’t know.  But I’d have to try, for his sake.
Word Count: 1165 Words

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