45-Sand Mountain

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“Hey, what’s this?”  Kyo asked, looking over at Tohru and I’s sandcastle.  Or- sand mountain.

  “It’s a sand castle!”  She exclaimed happily.  

  “It looks like a sand mountain to me.”  He said with a faint smirk on his face.

  “Hey, it’s a beautiful sand mountain.  Shut it.”  I laughed, packing some sand at the base of the sand pile.

  “Well, I’ve never made one before, so I don’t know.”  Kyo sighed, shrugging.

  “Yeah.  As many things we have done, you’d think something like building a sandcastle would have to be something everyone has done.  But I don’t think we ever really have.  Not even as little kids.”

  “This was both your first time building a sand castle!?”  Tohru gasped.

  “Huh?”  We both asked.  “Well, yeah.”  Kyo shrugged.  

  “That makes me your Sempai then!!”  Tohru cheered excitedly.  

  “Sempai-”  Kyo leaned in with a deadpanned look.  “You suck at this.”

  I nudged him in the side with a sigh and flopped down on the sand lazily.  “You never have anything nice to say huh?”

  “I’m just being Tru-”

  “Tohru!!”  A very loud and childish shout belonging to Momiji rang out as he leaped over me and landed a hug around her, promptly turning into a rabbit.  “I’m Back!  I’m Back!  I’m Back!  I’m back!”

  “You’re back alright.”  I sighed, wiping the stray sand from his hop off my shirt as I sat back up.

  “Sheesh Momiji.”

  “You came all the way out here to do something this lame?”  Hiro asked, kicking some sand in my direction.

  I scowled at him and returned to brushing the sand off of me as the rest of the family all greeted Tohru.  “I figured they would have been away a little longer.”  I sighed and pulled Kyo up off the ground.  “A little peace and quiet for once in our lives.”

  He peered down at the sand mound with a frown.  “That’s near impossible.”  

  “Babe~!”  Haru cooed loudly in my ear.

  “Haru!”  I exclaimed, practically jumping out of my skin.  “Stop scaring me like that!”

  He laughed and wrapped and arm around my shoulder.  “Lighten up a little babe~”

  “I’ll Kill you!”  Kyo shouted, making me jump once again as he shouted at Yuki.

  “I can never get a break, can I?”


  “There’s one thing I was wondering.”  I said, poking my head out the bathroom door as I dried off my hair.  “If Akito brought Shigure and Hatori along with them, do you think Kureno is here as well?”

  “If he is, Akito probably won’t let any of us see him.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve got him locked in some room with them twenty-four seven.”  Kyo looked up from the television.  “What brought that question on?”

  “Well I was just thinking y’know?  I’ve seen him once in my entire life, and that was-”  I sighed.  “Years ago- after the accident.  And you said it yourself, even the zodiac hardly see him because he’s always with Akito.  If Akito is here, he would probably be here as well.”

  “I don’t think either of us will have to worry about it since Akito doesn’t like either of us.”  He shrugged.  

  “You think Tohru will ever get to meet him?”  I flicked the table lamp on and plopped down on the floor beside Kyo’s bed.  “As much as I hate to admit it, I think Shigure and Akito are using her for their own selfish reasons.  So if Akito has something planned, Kureno’s the only zodiac member she hasn’t met yet.”

  “You’ve really thought this one out huh?”  He turned the volume on the Tv down and tossed his head over the edge of the bed to look at me.  “Is that all that goes on in that little brain of yours?”

  “I can’t tell if that’s supposed to be an insult or an actual question.”  I chuckled.  “And for your information, I think about plenty of things that don’t have to do with Akito.  I am a normal girl y’know.”

  “Normal?  Girl?”  He laughed.  “You’re a Sohma.  There is nothing ‘normal’ about you.”

  I rolled my eyes.  “You know what I meant.  I’m a ‘normal’ teenage girl who thinks about normal teenage things.  I promise i’m not thinking about how i’m gonna defeat the head of the family twenty-four seven and watch as they slowly lose their power over everyone.”

  “You’re evil.”

  “Akito deserves what’s coming to them.  Just wait.  When i’m done with them they’ll be wishing they were nicer to me.”

  “Can’t wait for that day to come.”  He laughed.  “The day Akito gets whats coming is the day I’ll kis-”  He frowned and sat up, looking at the wall above the tv like it was his enemy.  “I’ll kick that damn rat’s ass.”

  “You really think that’s possible?  I think you should lower the bar a little bit.  I know, you can give me a long awaited hug.  As a thanks for saving your ass from embarrassment when you try and fight Yuki and fail.”

  “When this curse breaks the first thing I’m gonna do is kick your ass for underestimating me.  And we’ll be on an even playing field then, so I won’t hold back on you.”  He said, holding a fist out in the air in front of him.  

  I laughed and grabbed his fist, unfurling his hand out wide.  “And after you kick my ass, you have to kiss it better or else Haru will kick yours.  I don’t think his attitude problem will get any better, curse or no curse.”  

  “Leave it to you to figure out a way to get me in trouble.”  He teased.  “The only way you’ll get anything out of me is if you’re begging on your knees for it.  Like a dog.”

  I snorted and stood up.  “I’m not begging for anything.”  I laughed, flicking him on the forehead playfully.

  “Then I guess we’re at a stand still.”

  “Yep.  You kick my ass, Haru kicks yours for kicking mine and then I’ll kick Haru’s for kicking yours.  Sounds like a plan to me.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”  He said as he sat up.

  I smiled.  “It’s a date.”
Word Count: 1031 Words

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