2- Kyo's First Day of School

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"Tohru, please calm down!" I said, trying to reach out for her. She looked up at me frantically, then raced past me. "Where are you going?!"

"I've got to get them to a hospital or something!" She cried and flew down the stairs without thinking. She pushed open the door and stopped. "They're all Animals!"

"Yeah, those are some cute pets you got there! Now, if you could please sign here?" The package Shigure ordered must have arrived.

"No, you don't understand!" She went silent and I watched the whole situation playing out in front of me. It was kind of funny.

"Thank you sir, I'll take the package inside." I took the box and pushed him towards the stairs. "Have a nice day!" I turned back to Tohru. There had to be some way to explain this off, but how?

"Urgh! We could have covered if you jerks hadn't transformed too!" Kyo shouted, his back arched as he yelled.

"You're the one who screwed up first, stupid cat." Yuki retorted.

Great. "Well now you both screwed up!" I shouted, picking them up by their scruffs. "If neither of you had opened your big mouths, we could have come up with something!"

"They can talk too?" She whispered, and I sighed.

"Good job idiots." I murmured and sat on the dirt. "Well, it's too late now. One of you might as well explain yourselves."

"As you can see, I'm the dog. Yuki is the rat, and Kyo Sohma over there is the cat. We're possessed by animal spirits."

Kyo Humphed beside me. "There's ten others in the family that are similarly possessed by the spirits of the zodiac animals." I added.

"It's been this way for generations." Shigure finished. "Fortunately it doesn't give us any specially cool powers to speak of. Pretty much all we can do is communicate with our respective animals, and we transform when our bodies are weakened or when we're hugged by someone of the opposite sex. We automatically turn human after a while-"

I covered my eyes and looked away.

"But we're completely naked, I'm afraid."

"Hurry up and put your clothes on before I kick your asses into next Tuesday!" I shouted and grabbed Tohru. "Now!"


"Sorry about that, it must have come as quite a shock to you!" Shigure said, fixing his robes. "Now then, are you feeling a bit calmer?"

"I think so, but it's kind of a lot to take in." She admitted, glancing at the floor.

"I have to say, that was a pretty pathetic showing Kyo. I mean, you are a trained martial artist." Shigure teased, and I could see the anger radiating off Kyo. "Shouldn't it be a little harder for a girl to sneak up on you?"

I giggled. "Yeah, come on! Didn't dad teach you anything in the mountains? You really only have eyes for Yuki, don't you?"

"Don't make it sound like that! It's not my fault!" He shouted. "You're the ones who let a girl into this house!"

"Need I remind you, I am also a girl?" I asked, jumping up. "You wanna fight it out you fucker?!"

"Fuck off! Why is she even here?!"

"Calm yourself! You have absolutely no say in who we allow to come in the house. You're an outsider." Yuki stated.

"That was a bit Harsh Yuki-" I said, glancing between them.

"Shut up!" Kyo punched the table, splitting it in two halves. "Oh crap."
"Damn it Kyo!" I exclaimed, grabbing Tohru's face. "Shigure get a bandage on her now!" I turned to Kyo. "You, come with me!" As I reached for his wrist, Yuki came up beside him and smacked him across the face. "Fine. Fight it out. But this-" I pointed between the five of us. "Isn't over."

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