67- Cinderella-ish

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  “Oh calm down.”  I rolled my eyes, tugging at a strand of Kyo’s hair.  “Your going to be fine, just pretend that they aren’t there.”

  “Easy for you to say, you aren’t going to be on stage.”  He crossed his arms as I ran the brush through his hair one last time.  

  “Then keep your eyes on me.”  I bent down, pressing my cheek against his.  “I’ll be in your line of sight at all times, just focus and ignore everything else.”

  “Once upon a time-”  The narrator began speaking out on stage and I stood back up, stepping away from him.  

  “I’ve got to go, you need to go finish getting ready.  I love you!”  I whispered, rushing out of the room and into the wing of the stage so I could see the show as it was being performed.  Tohru stood beside me, fumbling with her skirts as she nervously awaited her cue to go on.  “You’re going to be great.  That dress look so good on you.”  I smiled, brushing the skirt off quickly.  I gave her a hug, squeezing her tightly.  “Good luck!”

  The show, It’s Cinderella-ish, was rehearsed in a little less than a day and a half.  The plot of it had been based off of the fact that neither Tohru nor Kyo could act their parts seriously, and so the evil stepsister turned into the loving sister, and the prince became hated by Cinderella herself.  It was awkward, and I was sure that the audience was either loving it or had no clue what was going on.  I had a feeling it was the second one, sadly.

  “Worry not, Cinderella.”  I looked up, watching as Yuki came down from the fly rig in the ceiling.  He was donning a blue dress, almost prettier than anything the girls would be wearing.  Cameras flashed in the audience, now that the real showstopper had arrived.

  A horse drawn pumpkin carriage came out of the wings, taking Saki to the ball scene in a beautiful black gown, one that I was rather pleased with how it came out.  Kyo however, the dramatic, slumped on the floor.

  “Wipe that disgruntled look off your face.  We’re having this ball for you.”  Arisa grunted.  “Go find yourself a good catch.”

  “Shut up.  I’m not interested.”

  “This is exactly why you’re still a virgin.”  

  I chuckled into my hand, biting my thumb to stop any laughter from coming out when Kyo turned beet red and began shouting at her.  

  He turned his back on the audience, opting to start an argument with Arisa instead as the narrator went on.  Girl after girl came up to him, asking for him to be their partner, and every time he rejected them.  

  “You seem happy.”  I turned my head, eyeing Yuki who stood beside me.  “Happy that Kyo is rejecting all those girls?”

  “No-”  I rolled my eyes.  “I’m just admiring Aya and I’s work, that’s all.”  

  “Mhm.”  He laughed, reaching over to ruffle my hair.  “Thats a lie, you’re practically undressing him with your eyes.”

  “Wha- shut up!”  I hissed, glancing around at our oblivious classmates.  “You can’t just say things like that around other people!”

  “I’m just kidding Sato.”  He laughed, watching as Kyo asked Saki to dance.  “I’ll admit, that outfit does look much comfier than this one, I’m jealous.”

  “You could have been the Prince Yuki.”  I shrugged.  “But you just had to be the fairy-”

  “I’m going to end you.”  He huffed.

  I giggled as the bell chimed.  “Payback Bitch.  Now get ready miss fairy godmother- you're needed.”

  The rest of the show went over with- limited issues- Kyo of course being the main cause of any problems there were.  

  “Tohru!!”  I exclaimed, rushing out onto the stage after the curtain fell.  “You did so well!  I’m so proud!!”  I turned to Arisa and Saki, squishing them into a hug as well.  “Good job you two!  Saki!  You looked so pretty!”

  “Oh, thank you Sato.”  Saki bowed her head, a small smile on her face.  “They were lovely dresses.”

  “Man.  It’s over.”  Kyo sighed, shedding his prince coat.  “The hell with the play, Dammit.”

  “I think you did good-”  I sighed, helping him take off the jacket.  “You were dramatic the entire time, but it went pretty well overall.”  He shedded his shirt and handed it to me, his bare chest on show for everyone else to see.  “Hey!  Don’t undress in here!”  I squealed, reaching forward to cover him up.

  “I see.  So you played his counterpart?”  Kyo’s face went sour as he stared down at me, my eyes flying over to Saki.

  “Dad!”  I exclaimed, a smile widening across my face.  

  “I’m Saki Hanajima.  Nice to meet you.”  

  “Oh no-”  I slapped my hand over my mouth, holding Kyo’s arm so that he wouldn’t go flying off his rocker.  

  “I’m Kazuma Sohma.  Thank you for always taking care of my kids.”  Dad responded.  



  “Ah!  Kyo, Sato!  Kyo, nice job!”  Dad acknowledged before turning back to Saki.

  “Oh no.  Oh no no no this is bad-”  I grumbled, slamming my head into Kyo’s arm which was frigid beside me.  

  “Thank you, Kyo-kun.  I must get changed, I hope we meet again.”  Saki bowed, wandering off towards the dressing rooms.

  “An endearing classmate you have there, Kyo, Sato.”  Dad smiled, turning to us.

  “Dad, please don’t!”

  “Shishou please don’t get married!”

  “Haha-  What are you two saying out of the blue?  You two are still such children.”  Dad ruffled our hair.

  “What the hell-”  I sighed, dropping to my hands and knees on the floor in exhaustion.  “Who even told you about today?  Hatori?”

  “I wonder who.”  Haru smiled, tugging me up off the floor so he was leaning on mine and Dad’s shoulders. 

  “Yes, I wonder who.”  Dad agreed.

  “Ugh- give me a break will you?”  I huffed.

  “I’m going home now.”  Dad laughed, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.  “Oh, but before I do, I’d like to say hello to Tohru.  Do you know where she might be?”

  “Dunno-”  I shrugged.  “Kyo?”

  “Dunno either.”  He sighed, stepping away from Haru to be at my side.  

  “That’s alright.  I can see her some other time.”  Dad smiled, ruffling my hair.  “Bye sweetheart.”

  “Wait!  We’ll walk you to the entrance!  Let me get changed!”  He ran off, leaving the three of us behind.

  “I’m pooped.”  I sighed, leaning my head against Haru’s arm.  “He’s such a handful sometimes.”

  “Well,”  Dad said, resting a hand on my shoulder.  “That he is.  But that’s what makes him Kyo.   You love him for that, right?”

  “Huh!?”   I shot up, staring at him.  “What do you mean, love him?!”

  “I mean- well, y’know- that’s why you’re his best friend, y’know?”  Dad fretted, holding his hands out in reassurance.

  “Oh.  Well, yeah.  I guess so.”  I nodded.

  “Oi.”  I glanced over, seeing Kyo in his uniform.  I kinda missed his prince outfit, but I didn’t say anything.  “You two ready?”

  “Yep!”  I nodded, grabbing his shirt sleeve with a smile.  “I was just telling Dad about how much of a nuisance you were to the show!”

  He rolled his eyes, moving to take my hand in his as the three of us walked to the entrance.  “Your lying is getting worse and worse everyday.”
Word Count: 1230 Words

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