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Practically having his arm twisted to stay for dinner, Jaxon sat back in his chair

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Practically having his arm twisted to stay for dinner, Jaxon sat back in his chair.  "Rayne, you're amazing. Honestly, that was the best meal I've eaten since... well, I can't remember."

"Would you like some dessert?  I could easily whip up something?"

"I'm stuffed, I don't think I could eat another thing."

"Are you sure, Rayne whips up a mean chocolate soufflé.  One of your favorites."

Rayne blushed under Nathan's recognition of her culinary skills.

"I think Rayne's been a gracious host all day, letting me hang out with you both.  I want her to relax.  Next time I visit, she can wow me her other mouthwatering delights."

"Are you sure Jaxon, it's no trouble.  We don't often have visitors." Rayne only ever cooked for Nathan and his family when they visited. She stood to clear away their dishes.

"I could easily get used to you spoiling me.   Can I take you home with me?"

"Hey, get your own amazing woman," quipped Nathan, pulling Rayne onto his lap, nuzzling her neck.  "This one is taken."

Rayne giggled as Nathan bit her earlobe. "Hmm, and tastes delicious too."  

Jaxon looked away. How much more could he take for one day?

"How do you fancy a game?" asked Nathan, turning his head to face his brother.

Jaxon looked up. "What sort of game?"

"Actually, one of your beloveds."


"Yes, Rayne here is quite the master, she had kicked my ass more than onceto my shame."  He cocked a brow towards Rayne.

Rayne sat up straight, wriggling on Nathan's lap to hear him groan.  She adored chess.  "Oh yes!  I will clean all this away whilst you and Jaxon set up." 

~ ~

Forty-five minutes later, Rayne had never attended to chores so quickly in her entire life.  And now she sat opposite Jaxon who had declared himself a 'ruler' of chess.  Making her next move, she hit the timer.

Jaxon forced himself to study the board; they had barely been playing fifteen minutes as his eyes once again drifted to Rayne.  On this occasion she was watching him, eyes wide with a hint of a smile shadowing her pouty full lips.  Pay attention to the game... not your brother's girlfriend.  Giving himself a pep talk.  He made his move and hit the timer.

Rayne made her next move within seconds. 

"That quick?" mused Jaxon, rubbing his hand across his chin.  He needed to concentrate. Losing to anyone was not in his nature—competitive to a fault.

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