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Time as ever waited for no person and one month shifted into three as Nathan, Rayne and Jaxon returned to their Hampton's home and life somewhat settled into the peaceful rhythm they had established before heading to the city

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Time as ever waited for no person and one month shifted into three as Nathan, Rayne and Jaxon returned to their Hampton's home and life somewhat settled into the peaceful rhythm they had established before heading to the city.

During this time, they had learnt of Rayne's mother passing away, which had led to a flat-out refusal from Rayne to attend the funeral.

Nathan and Jaxon hadn't tried to convince her otherwise and felt more relieved than worried at her reluctance.

Rayne's therapy sessions continued but had reduced those visits with Dr De-Luca to one per week.

Life, as they say, was returning to normal... their normal.

Rayne's routine may have remained the same, but reconnecting with her estranged family had taught a valuable lesson—ask for help when needed. Which in turn had led Nathan and Rayne down the BDSM rabbit hole and Rayne freely accepting her role of submissive to Nathan's dominant. And in return, they had become closer deepening their love and trust in one another, strengthening their bond.  Nathan had designed and kitted out a 'play-room' for him them both in their Hampton home and whenever he would return home in the evening, if Rayne was waiting in this room for him, he would deliver on his promise to ease her torment.

Jaxon as ever was supportive but remained an observer in that world and Rayne appreciated his softer side to Nathan's harder edges.

She loved them both unconditionally.

~ ~

As winter approached, Nathan sadly had been dragged overseas to direct the merger of two of Knights Communications recent acquisitions.

Woefully, this hadn't gone as smoothly as predicted, already having been apart from Rayne and Jaxon for ten days. The outlook wasn't due to rectify for at least another week by his reckoning. And following another long day of tedious negotiations Nathan picked up his phone to see he had missed five phone calls from Jaxon and two from Rayne.

An unsettling, familiar feeling tangled into a knot as he stepped into his waiting car to be driven back to his hotel. He returned Jaxon's call first. "Hey, sorry, it's been a hell of a day. You called?"

"Hang on Nate," Jaxon muttered. Nathan heard footsteps and the closing of doors. "Sorry, needed some privacy."

His brothers tone twisted the ever-growing knot in Nathan's stomach. "Everything okay. Rayne, okay?" He hated the distance between them as he listened to Jaxon's aggravated sigh.

Jaxon didn't know where to start, knowing the pending conversation would upset his brother and make the distance between them even more unbearable.

Breath whooshed into Nathan's lungs as the silence became torturous. "Jaxon, speak man!"

"Rayne's not having a good day. The bare truth of it—It's one of the worst I've witnessed, since..." There was no point in withholding any information. "Her dumbass brother sent some of their mother's personal items to the office. Suzanne questioned nothing inside and just forwarded onto Rayne here in the Hampton's."

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