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Rayne stood in the shower as water cascaded through her hair, over her shoulders and back

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Rayne stood in the shower as water cascaded through her hair, over her shoulders and back. She sighed as the water was both soothing and refreshing, reminding her of the ache between her thighs and the slight sting to her ass. But she wouldn't change a thing. Yesterday had been one hell of an amazing birthday as her mind replayed memories of the beautiful gifts she received and the spanking from Nathan. Then it ended as Nathan had promised, all three of them together. An experience she would never forget as they came together as one—perfect.

Nathan had already left for work, and Jaxon had headed to the gym downstairs. Rayne had ensured she had been up before them both to prepare breakfast and tidy the apartment. Chores completed, she could relax.

Her eyes darted to the left as she heard the glass door to the shower slide aside. Hot skin pushed up against her wet back as she felt lips press against her shoulder. Fingers peeled hair from her skin as gentle kisses dotted along her neck.

"I was hoping to time it perfectly to find you in the shower," Jaxon murmured.

"Hmmm, perfect timing." Letting her head fall to the side, Jaxon's slower pace was welcome. Last night she had been thoroughly taken—fucked, and it had been exactly what she'd craved. But here now, with Jaxon, his slow, tender touches was what she needed.

"I dreamt about you last night," he whispered.

"Was it a pleasant dream?" she asked.

He wasn't sure if he should tell her, but it was only a dream, after all. "You were pregnant with my child." His hand slid around to rest on her stomach.

Rayne let her hand slide on top of his. "Definitely a wonderful dream."

He turned her around. "You see children in your future?" The raw sting of pain sliced deep under the weight of knowing that Nicole had terminated his child.

She reached up and cupped his cheek. "I do see children in our future. I want your baby, Jaxon and Nathan's baby, too. I want a family. A little Jaxon running around, driving me to distraction." Her chest expanded at the idea.

Jaxon's heart swelled with the very same thought. "I want that too." He saw no lies or heard any untruths. The three of them would have a family one day.

She gave him one of her ball tightening, shy smiles. "Goddamn I love you Rayne, when you smile at me like that, all I see is forever."

"Forever," she uttered as Jaxon lowered his lips to hers. They molded perfectly together. His kiss, with the slow swipes of his tongue, felt just as good as being made love to. A twitch of arousal warmed her tummy as his hand brushed over her lower back.

Rayne moaned as he deepened their kiss. His tongue sliding and tangling, making love to her mouth as the water ran over their lips.

"Have I said I love you, wet?"

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