Love is freefalling into some else's keeping. A surrender of your heart, body and soul.
Trusting in Love is accepting that we can be loved despite our flaws and imperfections.
Strength isn't always the strongest in the room. It takes strength to s...
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Tuesday morning found Rayne kissing Nathan goodbye on their doorstep. Once settled in his Mercedes, she waved until the car exited from their driveway. Closing the front door. The day's chores ran through her mind.
First, clean the house.
Nathan had offered to hire a housekeeper. But Rayne would not hear of such a thing. She loved nothing more than scrubbing, cleaning, ensuring order and perfection. And like a demon possessed. She was on a mission. First on her list... The bathroom, eighteen minutes, three sets of six to make it sparkle. Almost a little too excited, she light-footed towards the stairs.
~ ~
Jaxon watched his brother's car pull out of the driveway. Parking further away than probably necessary, he waited until the car disappeared from view and slowly drove his vehicle closer. This was the first time he'd seen the house in person. Nathan had purchased it right before the Nicole incident, in the hope they could all live here... together, a place to get away from the city. Hopefully settle down and perhaps raise a family.
Sighing, he sat back in his seat and surveyed its beauty. Giant blossoming cherry trees parted, giving way to the magnificent structure. Made from brick and colonial in style with a grand entrance. Windows like shy eyes, but large enough to welcome any ray of sunshine. It was exactly like he'd pictured, almost cut out from Suburban Living Design magazine. For being a city boy at heart it was strange that Nathan had always loved space, and this did not disappoint, secluded offering a place for kids to run wild with the surrounding woods and lake out to the rear.
Without further hesitation, he turned into the driveway. Coming to a stop, he was flooded by doubts. Would it piss off Nate, to find out he'd come without an invitation. Or more bluntly spy on his brother's life, a life he wasn't part of?
Well—now what?
Good question!
Getting out of the car, he left the door open as he internally debated whether he should get back in and drive home. Curiosity building he deliberated what she looked like—the woman who'd stolen his brother's affections. Did she look like Nicole? Tall, blonde, beautiful but demanding and stubborn? Nathan's type... their usual type.
Was he truly happy living out here in the sticks, just the two of them? He hadn't offered an invite. In fact, he had hardly mentioned her at all—Was Nate truly in love with this woman?
A sick stinging feeling funnelled into his stomach. Running his hand through his hair. You're here now, just knock and introduce yourself. He slammed the car door shut, walking towards the door before another thought could change his mind.
Pressing the doorbell, he waited.
Nothing, no one answered.
He rang the bell again but pressed it two more times for good measure. What—was she deaf?