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Body locked tight; Rayne stood for several minutes wondering what she should do

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Body locked tight; Rayne stood for several minutes wondering what she should do. The barely clothed woman glared at her with nothing but smugness and a hint of malice.

Many words passed through Rayne's mind; but she couldn't verbalise any—not a single one!   This was the second time within the space of an hour a stranger had rendered her dumbstruck.

Seconds ticked on as her palms began to sweat, and her fingers shook. Biting down on her lip, she almost whimpered as nausea set in.

Nicole heaved a sigh. "Are you just going to stand there and say nothing?" 

Swirling panic led to upset. Unable to answer, her eyes dropped to the floor to follow the trail of clothes. It was as sure as the sky was blue that she had interrupted something.

It stunned Nicole. This was her competition? This small, panicked woman before her had captured the attention of her lovers. Surely not!

She barely looked old enough to be out on her own and there was clearly something wrong with her.  One thing was for sure, this person was no match for someone of her caliber.  No matter, time to strike whilst the iron was hot! "Is there something I can do for you, seeing as you rudely disturbed us."

The tall slim blonde stood expectantly waiting for Rayne to answer. She flicked her long hair to one side, giving Rayne a view of diamond set in white gold earrings hanging from her perfect lobes.  Rayne noted their exquisiteness and how they accentuated the length of the woman's neck. 

Rayne's eyes toured the rest of the stranger. Five foot seven, willowy and a face made for billboards, Rayne felt inadequate standing in front of this woman that she was sure would fulfill any man's fantasy. Did Jaxon think so too?

Nicole's face was one of triumph.  A smile crept across her lips. This was too easy.  She had to restrain from throwing her head back and laughing.

Every hair on Rayne's body prickled like an exposed nerve ending. The surrounding air was so brittle she thought it might snap.  She was also sure she was in the presence of someone of pure wickedness. Rayne believed beauty came from a person's soul, exposed through their eyes. But from the icy depth of the stunning blues that stared back, she saw nothing but an abyss of emptiness.

Finally, Rayne mustered the courage to speak. "I-I'm sorry, who are you?"

Nicole placed a hand on her hip, pursing her lips. "I'm not sure what business it is of yours. Who are you?" she replied flippantly.

Rayne's heart headed into arrhythmia territory; sure it would explode any second. "I'm Rayne—Rayne Winters. I'm looking for Jaxon... Knight." In a final vein of hope, she prayed that she had stepped out on the wrong floor or perhaps arrived at the wrong apartment.

Nicole let out a sigh. "Well, Rayne Winters. May I enquire what you want with Mr Knight?" 

Confirmation was the nail to her chest. Rayne willed her feet to move.  And just as a deer in headlights she could not move from the oncoming collision, as Jaxon appeared in her line of sight in nothing but a towel, water dripping with every footstep that brought him closer.

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