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Dr Neil De-Luca rang the number for the third time to hear the same message:

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Dr Neil De-Luca rang the number for the third time to hear the same message:

This number you are trying to reach is not recognized. Please redial using the correct number.

It couldn't be the wrong number. Had she changed her number forgetting to tell him? He ran his hand across his forehead, realizing for the first time he knew very little about the woman who had injected herself into his life, offering him excitement and faith for a future he had lost some hope in.

Throwing his phone on the table. He pressed the button on his answerphone, whilst hitting the space bar on his PC. He would distract himself with work. As his computer screen sprang to life.  A file was open in the bottom corner. Patient RW18-8-18... Rayne's. He didn't recall opening it.

Was that Rayne name he heard on his messages?  He replayed it.  It was Nathan Knight asking him to return his call.  He didn't hesitate in returning the call. "Hello Mr Knight, It's Dr De-Luca— you called?"

Relief spread through Nathan's body. "Dr De-Luca, yes, thanks for calling me back."

"How may I help?" He waited as his eyes once again looked at his computer screen with confusion.

"You saw Rayne today and I realise you can't go into details, but she hasn't returned home, only leaving a message that she had a family emergency." The line went quiet. He continued. "As far as I was aware, Rayne has no family she's in contact with. Did she mention anything today of said emergency? Both Jaxon and I are anxious and it's totally out of character for her."

Dr De-Luca ran a hand across his chin. Rayne only had two family members remaining and was sure Rayne would not willingly contact either. "Hold one second." He clicked on the file to scan through, but was shocked to see the print symbol appear.   Bloody hell.   He never printed files. Someone had used his computer to gain access to Rayne's file. And only one other person had been alone in his office today.


Nathan's impatience got the better of him as he heard mumbled cursing, followed by more silence. "Dr De-Luca can you shine any light onto Rayne's whereabouts. Where we might find her. We've tried her phone, but it's switched off."

Dr De-Luca interrupted. "I've had a breach of security; and Rayne's file is the only one to be tampered with."

"What do you mean... tampered?"

"I'm saying someone has accessed her file other than me."

"Dr De-Luca, who had access?"

"I'm sure there must be some rational explanation." He shook his head refusing to believe.

"Doctor, who had access?"

"My friend... Ms Smith."

Ms Smith?   Nathan didn't know Ms Smith? A sinking feeling settled in his gut. Can you describe this person to me, doctor?"

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