Chapter 49 "A happy family"

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Still Perrie's POV

After trying to get Stella out of the bathroom, which was hard..we finally started to eat.

"So now is the time to tell you everything that has happened, in the last few weeks of staying here" Louis said, and I nod. I placed my spoon and fork down, and leaned in.

He told me when they first met them, and how they became best friends, the time where Bella had a fight with three girls at the mall, the hates, the cutting, then she went to the hospital for surgery, the promise to not cut again, then this. Wow, I never knew that this would happen to such an innocent girl. Her parents are dead, and she have been bullied, abuse, and now this? She's so broken..and I wish I could help her. I wiped my tears away, and turned to them.

"Oh my god, how could they do this to her!" I exclaimed, sniffling after.

"Yeah..." Harry mumbled, and looked down. I can see that he's more hurt and sad, than the others.

"You can go with us to visit her later?" Stella suggested.

"Sure" I smiled, sympathetically.

This is why I hate fans. They are just so judgmental and I'm so sick of it. They hurt people...they don't care about anyone but theirselves.

We continued eating but, this time it's silent.

"So how's the band?" Zayn asked, trying to light up the mood.

"Yeah we're good" I smiled.

"Wanna hear the story of what happened to Louis at the park, since we were still in London?" Michelle smirked, and Louis' eyes widened.

"Michelle don't you even dare" Louis warned, pointing his finger to her.

"Oh come on Lou!" She laughed.

"Fine...but I only did it for fun!" Louis gave up, and pouted.

"So here's how it started, we were all planning to have a walk at the park. When we got there, Louis saw a pigeon, and literally screamed Kevin" She laughed, making us laugh too, while Louis sunk in his seat, blushing.

"That's not all" Niall laughed.

"He ran around chasing the pigeon, and ended up tripping on the sidewalk" Zayn added, and laughed. I looked at Louis, and burst out laughing.

"Why t-the fuck did you do that?" I laughed, trying to breathe.

"Well, sorry! I didn't expect that it would end up like that!" He exclaimed, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"You're such child" I chuckled.

"Am not!" He protested.

"Whatever you say Boo bear" I grinned.

Stella's POV

"It's okay Stella" Niall cooed. We are now heading straight towards e hospital to see Bella. I'm scared, maybe If I see her, something bad will happen. Or even worse, I might end up entering the room, with her monitor in a long beep.

"How I do you know" I said, rather harshly.

"I just do" He shrugged.


"It's okay"

I smiled to him, and sigh. I looked back at the window and see people passing by. We stopped at a red light, and something caught my eye. On the sidewalk, was two girls, and a women and a man. They all seemed so happy...they're a perfect family. I wish we still have a family like that..just normal and happy. I remember the last time we still had a family..


"Mommy catch us!" Bella giggled, running away from mommy. I was only 10 years old, and Bella is 9.

"Okay, you better run now" Mommy playfully warned, and we started to run.

I ran and hid behind the tree, while Bella hid behind a bush.

"Hmm I wonder where those girls are?" Mommy thought, and suddenly a hand grabbed my waist and toss me on their shoulder. I was about to scream when I realize it was only daddy.

"Daddy! You scared me!" I pout, and he just chuckles.

"Got you!" Mommy jump to me, and started to tickle me.

"O-okay! Yo-you got m-me!" I said, in between laughs.

"Mommy!!" Bella giggled, and started to tickle mom.

"Ah! Bella! Stop!" Mommy laughed.

"My turn!" Daddy said, and tickled us all. We all fell to the ground laughing, our bodies on top of each other.

"We love you mommy and daddy!" We both said in unison, kissing them both on the cheeks and hug them.

"We love you too sweeties" They said, and they kissed our foreheads, and wrapped their arms around us.


"Oh my, are you okay?"Perrie exclaimed. I didn't notice I was crying, until a tears dropped on my hand. I quickly wiped my tears and sadly smiled.

"Yeah" I sniffled.

"You sure"


I will never be okay..

Save You Tonight ( A Harry Styles and Niall horan fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora