Chapter 6 "They didn't know"

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Michelle's POV

They didn't see the pain in my eyes.

I am very good at keeping it.

They don't know yet, that my parents are gone.

They never asked how are they, and that's good.


I was in my room sleeping peacefully, when suddenly i heard an earpiercing scream. It was mom. I got out of bed and ran to mom and dad's room. The door was slightly open, so i took a peek.

My eyes widen and i gasped. There was a man standing, holding a knife. He was stabbing my dad, while mom is tied up on the chair.

"No!! You fucking bastard!!!!!" My mom sobbed, trying to get out of the chair.

"Whatever bitch!" the man, growled.

"What do you want?!!!"

"I told you many times already! I want money!!!" He barked.

Tears were now pouring. Dad is now gone, and mom is still tied up on the chair. I ran quietly downstairs, making sure he doesn't hear and call 911.

"Hello? How may i help you?"

"Can you please come here! There's a murderer in my house and h-he killed my dad! My house i-is a few blocks away from there. Red gates." I sobbed, shaking with fear.

I heard an earpiercing scream and suddenly it became qiuet. When i looked up, i gasped as i saw the man, holding my mom by the neck, blood streaming down.

Mom is dead.

He sliced her neck.

I sobbed and screamed. "What do you fucking want from us?! You killed my mom and dad!! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Your a fucking asshole!!! SON OF A BITCH!!!"

He just chuckled. "Woah, woah, calm down little girl fiesty ain't ya. I just wanted money that's all" He said casually.


"You just wanted money because your just a homeless prick!!" I yelled through my tears.

He froze and dropped my mom on the floor. He then turned to me with anger plastered on his face, then pulled out a gun, walking downstairs.


"Okay that's it!! You have crossed the line!!!!" He roared.

He took out a gun, and my eyes widened and fear plastered on my face. Oh it goes. Im gonna die. Im gonna fucki-

My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of sirens. The police officers barged inside. I sighed in relief. Finally.

"Put the gun down!" One of them yelled. And the man, dropped his gun in surrender.

They took him out and shoved him inside the car. A police walked towards me and asked.

"Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine" I lied.

"What's your name?"

"Michelle Joy Waterson"

"What happened?"

I told him what happened, and that my parents were murdered. He nodded and i said thank you.

After they left, i land on my knees and sobbed uncontrollably What am i gonna do now? Now that mom and dad are gone forever. I never had the chance to say goodbye to them. I wish this never happened. I wish i could go back in time, but i know i can't.

They meant everything to me. They made me so happy everyday. They helped me through my worst times and they would say "Its okay everything will be alright". But now that they're gone, everything will never be alright. Everything will never be the same.

I sobbed while i go upstairs to my bedroom. I screamed and kicked all the things on the floor. I sat on my bed for awhile, and an idea pops in my mind. Im leaving. I took my traveling bag, and shove all my clothes and things that i needed. I grabbed all my money, my phone and went downstairs. I walked straight to the doors, and take a look at my our house one last time.

"I will always love you guys. You are my everything. You two are the bestest things that has ever happened in my life. I will never forget you. You will always be in my heart no matter what. I love you guys to the moon and back" I sobbed, kneeling. I wiped my tears, and said.

"Goodbye forever"

sorry very short chaprer i know....

i just want you to know why Michelle stayed at their house.
that's all. ^_^

bye!! See ya in the next chapter

p.s. im worst at this book but i just wanna try it just for once.

Save You Tonight ( A Harry Styles and Niall horan fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora