Chapter 48 "Meet Perrie"

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Still Stella's POV

"Are you all ready to go?" Zayn asks.

"Yep" we all said in unison.

We finally convinced
Harry to get out of his room and come with us. It was a struggle at first, but then he gave up, and agreed to go with us. His room was a complete wreck. All the vase is broken, the chair on the other side of the room, a hole in the wall and the window has a large crack on it. Wew...I thought I was the only one this depressed and hurt. I guess I was wrong.

We all walked out of the house, while Liam locked the front door. We all went inside Harry's car, and we drove off. It was silent. No sound to be heard.

"If Bella was here, we would be laughing by now" Harry mumbled, and sigh.

"Yeah" I sighed too.

"Okay guys, just forget about this just for one day please...." Liam groaned.

"Okay" I muttered.

But how could I forget her for one fucking day? I never forget her, not even once in my life. She'll always be there in my mind wherever I go.

As we continue to drive, I heard someone farted.

"Eww! Who the fuck was that?!" Michelle exclaimed, pinching her nose in order to block the smell.

"Sorry" Louis laughed, and I playfully slapped him on the arm, and pinching my nose after.

"Oh god, it stinks!" Liam groans, scrunching his face in disgust.

"Open the god damn window" Niall laughed, and Harry opened the window beside him.

"Seriously Lou, you just has to bring out gas" Zayn muttered, shaking his head laughing.

"Sorry! I can't help it!" Louis exclaimed, pouting.

"Yeah, yeah, at least try to warn us next time" Harry chuckled, and Louis just sheepishly nod.

"Typical Louis" Michelle said.


"We are here!" Harry cheered.

"We know Harry" Zayn rolled his eyes, and Harry just pouted. I really miss Bella....

"Um guys?" I said.

"Yep, what is it Stell?" Liam asked me.

"C-can we go to the hospital after this? I-I want to see Bella" I said, biting my lip to prevent from crying.

"Sure" Zayn smiled to me sympathetically.

We walked inside the restaurant, and try to find a blonde girl. I saw her on the corner, waiting for us.

"Guys she's there!" I exclaimed, pointing over to Perrie, who was now waving at us. We all walked towards her, and she stood up and hugged Zayn. They shared a kiss, and I couldn't help but fan girl.

"Okay Stella stop fan girling" Niall chuckled, and I slapped his arms.

"It's just so adorable! I will always ship, Zerrie!!" I squealed, making all of them laugh.

"Aww!! Thanks! What's your name?" Perrie smiled, making me wanna faint.

"I'm Stella!" I squeaked, while she walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged her back, and she started to laugh.

"You are so cute" She chuckled.

"Oh and this is Michelle" I said, grabbing Michelle by the arm, and placed her in front of me.

"Oh hi!" Perrie grinned

"Hello! OMG I'm going to be friends with Perrie Edwards!" Mich squeaked, making Perrie chuckle.

"Well they're so excited to see me" She smiled, and look around. She frowned, and turn to Zayn.

"Wait, where is the other girl you were talking about?" She asked, knitting her eyebrows in confusion. I froze, and try to hold back the tears that are threatening to spill.

"U-um I-I'll just go to the bathroom" I quickly said, and rushed towards the girl's room.

Perrie's POV

Stella rushed to the bathroom, and I crossed my arms to look at Zayn who looks scared and nervous. What the hell is going on?

"U-um she's...." He stuttered, and started to sweat.

"Zayn tell me" I demand. Okay, what is he hiding from me? I'm starting to get worried.

"I-I can't do it" He started to tremble. Oh for fuck sake.

"Zayn, what the fuck are you hiding from me?! Are you cheating on me?" I snapped.

"What? No! I would never do that! I'm not like that!" He shook his head frantically.

"Then tell me for fuck sake!" I growled.

"Bella is in a coma!" He shouted, and all the attention, are on us.



So many question are scattering in my mind. What happened?


"Yes, she is. She's only thirteen" he sniffled. I look up to him, and he has tears in his eyes. I pulled him into a long hug, before letting go.

"Okay, what happened" I asked.

"We'll tell you, right after we get Stella out of the bathroom" Niall sighed, and I nod.

What the fuck just happened?

Save You Tonight ( A Harry Styles and Niall horan fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora