CHAPTER 1 "Sisters"

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Bella's POV

I'm Bella. Bella Anne Carter. I'm 13 years old. I have sea green eyes and short dark brown hair that stops below my sholuders. I have an older sister named, Stella Anne Carter. She is 14 years old. She has sky blue eyes and a bit long blond hair, kinda like mine. We are both Directioners. I love Harry, she loves Niall. We both live in London. Our parents died 3 years ago...They died in a car accident. We grew with no parent, no guardian, nothing. The only guardian and family i have left is, Stella. She took care of me, fed me, and supported me from the past 3 years. But before my parents died, they and my other relatives were fighting over money. I dont really know...but all i know is that our other relatives abused us for no reason when mom and dad are away to work abroad.

And now, here we are walking at the park, with nothing to do. I shivered, as the cold wind brushed past us.

"You cold?" Stella asks, probably noticed me shiver.

"Yeah, a little"

"Wanna go to Starbucks? I'm hungry." she chuckles, and i just rolled my eyes.

"What?" she ask.

"Your'e just like Niall. Always hungry" i chuckled.

"Of course! i'm a Horan girl!" She laughs and so did i.

"Let's just go Nialler"

"Right. come on Curly"

And we both laughed.


"knock, knock"

"Who's there?"


"madam who?"

"ah! madam foot got caught up in the door!"

And with that, i burst into laughter and so did she. We were telling each other some funny jokes, and laughed.

"Your turn."

"Okay umm"

What joke? what joke? what joke??

A bingo!

"what do you call a person who keeps on talking, when no one is no longer interested?"


"a teacher"

And the two of us burst out laughing. I was laughing so hard, i have tears in my eyes. Same as Stella's. And finally we, calmed down. We finished our drinks, and head home.


When we arrived, I immediatley plopped down, on one of our couches. Then, I turned on the tv, not bothering to change.



"Change your clothes first"

Not this again.

"Later?" I whined.




I sighed, and finally gave in.

"Fine. Your no fun" i said crossing my hands like a 7 year old.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever Curly. No go change. When your done, we will watch your favourite movie"

"The fault in our stars?!"


"Aaaaahhh!!" i squealed, and head upstairs to my room.

I shut the door, head towards my closet, and threw a pair of black, sleeping shorts and a plain whit t-shirt. I brushed my hair, and tied it into a ponytail. I grabbed my phone, switched of the lights, and head downstairs.

As i made my way to the living room, Stella was already inserting the CD. And on the couch, are a bunch of chips, fries, and milkshakes. Wow...this girl is really hungry.

"Finish!" I sang.


"Let's get started!!" i squealed.

"Ssshhh! It's the middle of the night!!" She scolds.

"Oops sorry. Hehe". She just rolled her eyes.

"Oh Curly."

"Oh me"


"No!! Don't die!!" i protested. We were watching the part where, Agustus is almost dying.

I protested a couple of times, tears streaming down my face. This movie is so heart breaking.

"Oh stop being a baby, Bella" Stella rolled her eyes, and i slap her arm playfully.

"I am not!"


"Hmph!". And with that, i crossed my arms and continue watching.

"Can you please pass me the milkshake?" I asked, and she nodded, and hand me my milkshake.

As i kept watching, more tears were streaming down my face. We were at the part where, their at the church, saying all their goodbyes to Agustus.

And as the part where Agustus finally died, i can't hold it much longer and finally, i broke down sobbing.

"Why does he have to die!!!" I screamed.

"I don't know!" Stella replied, she has tears in her eyes too.

"Agustus Waters..dead." I sniffled.

"He was too young"

"I know"

The movie ended, and we wiped away our, tears. We cleaned our trash and finally head upstairs.

"Okay good night Curly" Stella said, kissing my forehead.

"Good night Nialler" I replied.

We both made our seperate ways, and i walked in my room. I lay in bed, and pulled the sheets over me.

And finally, sleep over taken me....

Hey guys!! So your probably wondering why the picture Stella on top, that her hair is darker than blonde......just please imagine that she's blonde because this is just a fanfic okay? I hope you like the story!!

Save You Tonight ( A Harry Styles and Niall horan fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora