Fake (Sora x Texas ft. Red and Amiya)

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A/N: So . . . Moral of the story is don't lie to Red. Hahahaha . . . Hahaha. Btw how is everyone's pulls going?


Flashback . . .

When Sora had first joined Rhodes Island she didn't know what to expect. So, she had reasonably went to see Texas on the matter when she had first been recruited, figuring her girlfriend would know what was what at the Pharmaceutical Company/Infected Aid group. The two of them were lounging in Texas's bedroom together, snuggled underneath the covers when she posed the question.

"What's Rhodes Island like?"

Texas, who had been in the midst of reading a book —something about the art of war— raised an eyebrow at her thoughtfully. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm supposed to head over there tomorrow. And, well, knowing what I'm getting into might be nice." She replied, trying not to get lost in those amber-blue eyes as they peered at her so intensely.

"I suppose that's a good enough reason."

No duh. She held back the obvious retort, choosing instead to pluck the magazine from Texas's grip and set it down on the nightstand behind her. The low lit lamp light in the room gave everything a dimness, relaxing eyes that were so used to the bright sunlight raining down on Lungmen. In the summer it was particularly bad, the glass paneled windows of the skyscrapers building up the heat to bake the people and streets below. Croissant had complained about it for an hour yesterday. She was beginning to consider those complaints the best way to hear about the weather. TV was overrated anyways. She rarely had time to watch nowadays anyways.

"Yeah, so tell me."

"Hmm, let me think. For starters, Rhodes Island is a Pharmaceutical Company dedicated to helping people, the Infected being a prime example."

"Yeah, but I know all that already. So what else do you know?"

Texas chuffed, though Sora knew the other wasn't the slightest bit annoyed. Especially not when she shuffled closer, warm breath alighting down the expanse of Sora's neck as she pressed an onslaught of kisses there. It trailed right down to her pulse point where a reminiscent mark from there last "activities" remained. She liked to keep it exposed, seeing how Texas got when she saw it in public was hilarious and endearing, a sign of a wild wolf instinct which refused to be stashed. And the cute blush was nice too.

"No need to get impatient. As I was saying, Rhodes Island caters primarily to the Infected, but considering how many other people they help, the result is there are many different people who work there."

"Okay . . . Where are you going with this?" Texas always had a point when she spoke, especially for an extended period of time. But Sora hadn't the slightest clue where this conversation was head yet.

"Most of the people at Rhodes Island are friendly. However, there are a few, mainly one, I suggest you avoid as much as humanly possible."

And that got her attention even more.

"Who is it?"


"As in the color?" She was perplexed.

"No. As in the wolf."

Present . . .

Sora stood in front of Doctor Y/N, smiling as they shook hands. A few other operators were there, including Croissant and Angelina, which left her feeling at ease. Dr. Kal'tsit and Amiya flanked the esteemed amnesiac Doctor on either side, their expressions ranging from terse to friendly.

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