Rest (Istina x Zima)

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The wind was so gentle in the morning.

It was so different from the frigid cold of Chernobog.

Zima found herself relaxing with the chill. As fall came to a close and winter rose the snow came in a steady stream. The snow was swallowing up the grassy terrain surrounding the little hill they had found. Most recon missions tended to last a week or less. They'd finished up work three days ago, but with no immediate request for their return a short request had granted an extra four days. Though she wasn't sure if this was the best idea. It reminded her of the conversation that had started it all.

"It'll be nice to get some rest."

"But what if I don't want rest?"

"We all need rest at some point Zima. Let's take the time and enjoy it."

"But there's so much to do. We need to get back."

"And we will. We've been working hard for so long. Neither of us have taken any time off in ages. We need this just as much."

"Istina. You know I . . ."

A kiss pressed to her cheek. The tense feeling in her shoulders dipped.

"I know. Trust me I do. But try to let it go."

"I . . . I don't know if I can though."

"Please Zima. Just try."

Another kiss, this time on the other cheek. Almost as though Istina had no intention of leaving any of her face left out. It was rare to see this loving side of her, even rarer for it to be out in public. PDA just wasn't a bookworm's thing.

"Okay. I guess. But only for you."

And so she had, or at least she had tried.

Whether or not she was truly convinced this was for the best had yet to be seen.

But she put a smile on her face the second Istina came into view. Her girlfriend was as lovely as always, poised even as she leaned her back up against the tree at the top of their chosen hill. Rings of white coated the mesh of leaves, icicles hanging from the branches. They reflected the morning light beautifully even as a few water droplets fell down onto the earth. A book sat in Istina's lap, right at the end of her skirt. Goosebumps dotted the pale expanse of her legs, the tiny space between skirt and long socks. It would have to be much colder for either of them to change into what was dubbed more suitable clothing for this time of year . . . or a direct order from the doctor.

Not Doctor Y/N. Y/N wouldn't ask us to do that anyways. Kal'tsit on the other hand . . .

For a Doctor, she didn't really act like one. More like a drill sergeant.

"Istina. Sorry to keep you waiting."

Blue eyes regarded her with a tiredness she knew was in her own. She was motions to sit down and so Zima did so, legs numb but perfectly capable of slowly descending to the grassy flooring. She wasted no time shifting so her shoulder pressed up against Istina. Curiously, she peered at the open book set out. A bookmark was poised in the middle of all the jumbled up words. Unlike her girlfriend she wasn't well read. The action scenes did entice her though.

"It's no problem. I'm just in the middle of my book."

"Oh. What's it about?"

Istina hummed thoughtfully. "The main character was about to confess her love last chapter, only to hear from a friend that the man of her desire was in love with another woman. But now he's been kidnapped by a dastardly witch. She has to go save him, because she's still in love with him and his kingdom needs him."

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